Category Archives: Whole School

The Week Ahead

images-3Week Beg. 19th September

Monday Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue Monitoring of learning and teaching

ASSEMBLY – Pr.1 – 3, Hall , 11.45 – 12.15.  Children to bring in awards, certificates and trophies from achievements outside school.

Mrs. Glover (Literacy Base) – to see Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott – 1.30pm

Vikki Sadler – to speak to Pr.7 Sports Leaders – 1.30pm

Tuesday Miss Lester Pr.4/5 Active Literacy in-service  – Teaching writing – Mr. Clark to cover

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue monitoring of teaching and learning – Class Observation/visit

Mrs. Elliott – benchmarking individual pupils

ASSEMBLY – Pr.4 – 7, Hall , 10.00 – 10.40. Pupils to bring in awards from clubs attended outside school.  Celebrating success

Football Friendship League – 3.30 – 4.30 –Pr.7, St.Ambrose 3.30pm

Mrs.Campbell (Authority Care  and Welfare Officer )– to see Mrs.Docherty – 4.00pm

Pope Francis Faith Award – Initial Meeting – Pr.6 teachers, 2.00 – 4.00, Diocesan Centre

Public Meeting – Charlotte Toal Centre – Local Partnership (School and local community group) to develop a section of West End Park – possible community orchard. 8.00pm


Wednesday Mrs.Gillooly –out of school today. Mr.Clark to cover. Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue with monitoring programme – looking at pupil work.

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott – at Scottish Learning Festival.  Mrs.Fraser point of contact for all parents.

NETBALL – Afterschool club (Pr.6 and 7)

Thursday Mrs. Gillooly – out of school.  Mr Clark to cover

Mrs.Elder to attend Pr.6/7 Active Literacy – Writing.

Miss Watt – out of school.

Mrs Fraser – to attend Scottish Learning Festival

Sponsored Walk – Pr. 1 – 3 am

Pr. 4 – 7 p

Badminton Afterschool Club – Pr. 4 – 7


The National Parent Forum of Scotland

Parents, Carers and family members; we want your views

This review asks for your opinion on the impact, successes and failings of the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006.  This includes looking at how well schools involve parents in what they do, and finding ideas to develop ways to better involve parents in the life and work of their schools. It is also hoped that it will inspire everyone to look at the most effective way of helping parents support children in Scottish schools.

A ‘Call for Evidence’ is a way to ask the public what they think,  gather information on what issues exist, and suggest ways of dealing with them.  It includes set questions, but can also involve people describing what their experience has been, or what their opinions are.

This call for evidence asks for your views as a parent.

It can be completed via online survey here
Paper copies can downloaded and printed out to be emailed or posted back, from here.  Or we can send you a copy.
You can contact the NPFS on 0131 313 8842 or by emailing
If you would like to return your paper copy to us please send them to Review Team, NPFS,  Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ
If you would like help completing the questionnaire please get in touch.

The survey will close on October 31st

St.Augustine’s Superstars

At our assembly this week we celebrated the achievement of children both in class and also outside school.  Children were recognised for their good citizenship and the excellent effort given to their work in class.  We also learned about some highly talented and dedicated pupils who took part in competitions and events that involved dancing, cycling and running.  Quite an accomplishment!

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Sponsored Walk

Our annual sponsored walk along the leafy lanes and landmarks of our locality will take place on Thursday 22nd September.  Please remember to check your child’s school bag for permission letter and sponsor form.  This is the school’s major fundraising event to raise money for school funds that help us to provide coaches for afterschool clubs, to cover the cost of buses and to support the cost of outside visits throughout the school year for all classes.  We look forward to your generous support.  Any parents who would like to join us for our walk please contact the school.  We would love to have your company!!

NL Walking Festival

image003The first North Lanarkshire Walking Festival, will take place over this September weekend, all over North Lanarkshire.  Walking is one of the easiest ways for us all to become more active and to encourage a healthy lifestyle and I’m sure you’ll agree that starting with our young people can encourage patterns of behaviour that help them in to adulthood. The leaflet below gives details in regard of the variety of walks taking place within North Lanarkshire.


The Week Ahead


Monday Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott involved in classroom monitoring visits to Rms – 1,2,3 and 4

Mrs. Ewart – Kodaly Teacher  to work with Pr.5 classes – 1.30 – 2.00, 2.00 – 2.30 , Auditions for school choir (Pr.5 – 7)– 2.30 – 3.00pm.

Visit by visual impairment support teacher

Staff collegiate development night – 3.00pm onwards

Tuesday Mrs. Docherty and Mrs Rankin to attend trainig course on new office system

Mrs.Lally to attend Pr.1 Active Literacy – am

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.lEllott involved in school monitoring programme – class visits

Cross Country – afterschool club

Wednesday Pr. 1- 4 1.25 – 2.05– Assembly –Miss Watts class attends this assembly

Pr. 4 – 7 2.10 – 2.50 Assembly

Please remind children to bring along achievement certificates/trophies from out of school involvement. Children will be encouraged to put their name forward to share a powerpoint in regard of their personal interest at the Wednesday assembly, providing the children with the opportunity to lead the learning

Cool Class Award to be announced at assembly.

Award winners are invited to an early lunch at the stars of the week table – each Friday at 12.15. Mrs.Docherty, Mrs. Elliott and Mrs. Fraser will also dine with the superstars for their special lunch.

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue with the monitoring programme across the school.
Visit by support services – Speech and Language

NETBALL – Afterschool club

Mass of Thanksgiving for Michael McGrath, SCES Director – OLGA – 7.00pm

Thursday Mr. O’Dowd to attend Pr.2/3 Active Literacy Course

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue with the monitoring programme across the school.

BADMINTON afterschool club

Friday Advertiser – Pr. 1 pictures -11.15am

Mrs.Docherty and Mrs.Elliott to continue with the monitoring programme across the school.


BASKETBALL afterschool club

Parental Feedback

At our very recent Open Evening/Meet the Teacher Event a survey took place to gather parental views on Homework and Curriculum Rationale .  Parent views have been collated and will be reviewed alongside the views of pupils and staff in order that they inform our revised school policy on Homework and enable us to make a draft statement in regard of Curriculum Rationale.  The draft policy and statement will be presented at the forthcoming parents evenings.

The collated responses are available from the links below.

Collated Rationale

Homework Questionnaire P1

Homework Questionnaire P2

Homework Questionnaire P3

Homework Questionnaire P4

Homework Questionnaire P5

homework Questionnaire P6

Homework Questionnaire P7



First Minister’s Reading Challenge

fmrc-teaserThe school is delighted to announce that it has registered to take part in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge.  Scottish Book Trust is delivering the Reading Challenge on behalf of the Scottish Government. The Challenge is targeted at Primary 4 – 7 pupils in all primary schools in Scotland, providing resources to help children develop a love of reading and to support schools to develop reading cultures. The research tells us that reading for enjoyment in childhood leads to a number of lifelong benefits, as well as improvements in attainment. We hope this exciting programme will inspire children, teachers, parents and others to develop a love of reading that lasts a lifetime.  The school looks forward to receiving a Reading Passport for each Pr.4 – 7 pupil and to take part in this exciting challenge to get everyone reading for enjoyment.