Nursery Sports Day!

The nursery children had a great sports day on Friday 17th June. The children participated in a egg & spoon race, running race, space hopper race, beanbag race and an obstacle race. Even some of the adults who attended took part and raced! I think I speak for everyone when I say we had a great time! Well done to all the children and adults involved.




Health Week 2016

What a fun and active week it has been!

The whole school and nursery  have been busy in a range of different health activities this week.

On Monday we were introduced to Health Week with a whole school assembly. Then Miss Tiffney worked with all of the classes to cover some aspects of HeartStart.

On Tuesday we had the Co-op visit for a fruit taster session as well as some of the classes participating in making their own healthy recipes.


On Wednesday there was an opportunity for everyone to experience circus skills and smoothie tasting thanks to Ian.


On Thursday everyone enjoyed participating in an Olympic Session run by Graeme.

The Paramedics came in the afternoon and worked with P3 upwards.

In addition each class aimed to complete a daily mile – some of the classes did this together.

It has been a really busy but fun week for everyone involved.

A big thank you to everyone who visited our school and made this week a great success.

An even bigger thank you to Miss Tiffney for organising everything.

Transition Fun at Stane!

Our pre-school children joined us along with their parents and carers this morning for a fun filled filled transition session, as they get ready to move into Primary 1.

Parents and carers met with Mr Clark in the hall for an information session about starting school, while the children were busy with some activities in the infant area.

We listened to a story called ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ where the children enjoyed joining in with all the actions and sound effects as we read!  We had to wade through the long grass and splash through the river before crawling through a snowstorm and creeping through a dark cave!

We then went on our own bear hunt around the school.  We found a panda bear in the school office and some brown bears in Mr Clark’s office and outside the staff room! The boys and girls found out where lots of important areas of our school are as they hunted.

We were all great at re-telling the story using some mini figures and the water, mud, grass and ‘snow’ trays!

Afterwards the children joined their parents/carers in the hall where they all enjoyed a school lunch together.  Fish and Chips was on the menu and I think was enjoyed by both the children and the adults alike!

Teddy Bears Picnic!

The children from the nursery, p1/2 and p2 all enjoyed having a ‘Teddy Bears Picnic’ in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice. The boys and girls all brought along a special guest, their favourite teddy and enjoyed having sandwiches, crisps, a biscuit and some haribo together. All the children really enjoyed the picnic and i’m sure the bears did too!

St Andrew’s Hospice bears in the nursery!

The boys and girls in the nursery have been so lucky to have a special bear from St Andrew’s Hospice visit them for 2 weeks. The children in the morning have named their bear, ‘Betty Bear’ and the afternoon children have named their bear, ‘Diamond Bear’. The children have been learning all about St Andrew’s Hospice and what they do. The children have became aware of the help they provide to patients and have really enjoyed looking after the St Andrew’s Hospice special bears! The children have made their very own ‘Teddy Bear’s Passport’, had a discussion about their favourite bear and have been counting down to the Teddy Bear’s picnic on Friday! All the children are so excited!

High-5 for fruit workshop in the nursery.

Last week, the nursery children met a new friend called Mairi. Mairi works as part of the High-5 for fruit initiative, who provide nurseries with weekly fruit. Mairi took children in small groups to read a story and then the children could taste the food associated with the book. There were avocados, oranges, pineapples and lots more! The boys and girls found that the avocados weren’t as yummy as the sweet oranges and felt quite strange when they touched it. If the children didn’t want to eat the fruit, they could smell it, feel it or even lick it! The children learned about lots of healthy fruits and why it’s so important to eat fruit each day!

Monday 14th March 2016

It was lovely to have some sunshine today – the children really enjoyed playing outdoors in the warmish sun.

The nursery am children had a bit of an adventure to start their session – the door wouldn’t open and the children had to arrive via the P1 doors.  The fact that not one of the children was phased by this change to their routine just shows how confident and comfortable the children are at nursery.  Thank you to everyone for their patience today.  Thankfully, the issue was resolved for pick up time.

Our brand new tracksuit tops arrived today – they look wonderful.  Thank you so much to the two companies who purchased them for us.  Tomorrow, two children will be debuting them at the NLC Cross Country Finals.  Good Luck to both of them!

The children in P3 and P4/5 have been busy rehearsing ‘The Donkey’s Tale’ for the Easter Assembly next week.  The children were rehearsing this afternoon and sounded wonderful.  You are in for a real treat if you are able to attend at 9.30am next week.

Don’t forget that pupils can enter the decorate an egg competition by bringing their creations in to school next week.  Winners will be announced at the Spring Assembly.

World Book Day 2016

We have moved our World Book Day celebrations to Friday 4th March 2016, in order to accommodate the P5 swimming lessons.

On Friday, all pupils and staff are invited to come to school dressed as a character from a book.  Lots of boys and girls have been telling us about their ideas and they sound very exciting.  We can’t wait to see you all dressed  up!

We will have a costume parade in the hall on Friday morning so that we can all show off our costumes.  Prizes will be awarded for the most original outfit from each class – Mr Clark will be our judge!

All children will then be involved in our ‘Whole School Read’ where we all split up into groups and listen to a story read by a member of our staff team.  There will be lots of exciting titles to choose from.

We are also holding a ‘Book Swap’ during the day on Friday.  Can all pupils please bring in a pre-loved book from home to donate, and then they can select a ‘new’ one to take home with them to enjoy.

We would like to thank all our parents/carers in advance for their support.  We are looking forward to a fun filled World Book Day!

Nursery Football Taster Session

Today the boys and girls at the nursery met a new friend. His name was Kevin and he was here to give us a little taster of some football skills. The children really enjoyed playing ‘Tunnel Tig’ and ‘Treasure Island’ to warm their bodies up ready to play football. Once we were all warmed up, we took turns to go into different coloured teams, all taking a turn of being the goal keeper. The children tried really hard not to let the opposing team score any goals, while trying to get some goals in themselves! All the children had a great time and really showed off their great football skills!

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