Summer Prize Giving

Thank you to everyone who attended our Summer Prize Giving on Monday 20th June 2017.  The auditorium was full of parents/carers, relatives and invited dignitaries to see the children presented with their awards.  Categories included Perfect Attendance, Endeavour, Academic Excellence, Creativity and Citizenship.

It was a pleasure to have some of our special guests present awards, including Continuous Improvement Officer from NLC Ms Cameron, Councillor McKenna, Ms Darragh from Calderhead High School, our school chaplain, Rev Jonathan and Senior Community Learning and Development Officer Mrs Parker.

Congratulations to everyone who received an award.

We were also entertained by our wonderful pupil choir.  You can watch their performance below.

Nursery End of Year Celebration/Fun Morning

Thank you to everyone who came along to our nursery end of year celebration on Tuesday 21st June 2017.

The nursery boys and girls performed a range of songs told the story of their year at nursery. The children really enjoyed performing these songs to all their families.

After the children had finished their songs, the service moved on to the commencement of the children moving on to primary 1.

The children all did well and had a great time performing to their families.

After all their hard work performing, the children enjoyed a fun morning of two bouncy castles, face painting, glitter tattoos, a party snack and even visited the ice cream van!

We all had such a wonderful time.

What’s on at Stane 19th to 23rd June 2017

As we enter the final full week of the session, there are lots of events for the school and nursery to mark the end of the year.  To accommodate these, the school tuck shop will be from 8.45am-9am Monday to Thursday this week. Pupils who wish to buy tuck should enter via the P3-7 doors.

The lunch menu for the week ahead:

The diary for this week:

Monday 19th June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  Summer Service and Prize Giving.  All parents/carers invited to attend.  Tea/Coffee available from 9am.
  • 1.30pm-2pm:  Sports Day Presentations – The winning house team will be revealed (Event for upils only).
  • 2pm-4pm:  School Uniform Rep in school for parents/carers to drop-in to see samples and sizes.  School laptops will be available for parents who wish to order online.
  • 3pm-4pm:  Football After School Club with Mr. McKenna (Final Week)

Tuesday 20th June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • 9.15am-10.15am:  Nursery End of Year Celebration Assembly.  Parents/Carers invited to attend.
  • 10.30am-12pm:  Nursery Fun Day Celebration.
  • 11am-12pm:  Final Library Bus visit of the year.  Pupils in P1-7 will have an opportunity to return any books they still have.
  • 1.30pm-3pm:  Nursery Induction Visit for 2017/18 new pupils.

Wednesday 21st June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • Good to Be Green Reward Day.  (Pupils who have achieve a 12, 24 or 36 week certificate may wear casual clothes today).

Thursday 22nd June 2017

  • 8.45am-9am:  Tuck Shop
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  Primary 7 Leavers’ Assembly.  All parents/carers invited to attend.  Tea/Coffee available from 9am.
  • 10.30am-11.30am:  P7 Parents and Pupils celebration tea.
  • 3pm-4pm:  Nursery to Primary 1 Transition Workshop.  Final session.

Friday 23rd June 2017

  • 8.45am-3pm: P3/4 and P4/5 exclusion to Glasgow Science Centre, Planetarium  and IMAX.  Pupils should arrive at school for 8.30am to allow the early departure.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra Playtime for Pupils who achieve Silver or Gold this week.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time


What’s on at Stane 22nd-25th May 2017

The lunch menu for this week:

The diary for the week ahead:

Monday 22nd May 2017

  • From 9am: Dental team in school to administer P1-4 Flouride Varneshing for those pupils with parental consent.
  • 9.30am-12pm:  World of Work Event for P6 and P7.  Representatives from the community and local businesses will work with the children on a career focus workshop.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 After School Football Club with Mr. McKenna (Kit and water required).

Tuesday 23rd May 2017 

  • AM and PM Nursery Session:  Vision Screening for pre-school pupils.
  • 11am-12pm:  Library Bus visiting school.
  • 10.45am-11.45am:  Mrs. Parker working with P1/2 on Emotional Workshop (rescheduled from last week).
  • 3pm-4pm:  P6/7 Nurture Club with Mrs. Parker
  • 5.30pm-6.30pm:  Nursery to P2 Parent Council Summer Disco
  • 6.45pm-8pm:  P3 to P7 Parent Council Summer Disco

Wednesday 24th May 2017

  • 9am-3pm:  P1/2 and P2/3 Excursion to Amazonia and Strathclyde Park. Children should wear school jumper with casual joggers etc.
  • 9.45am-10.15am: Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 11am-11.30am:  P6/7 Sid and Shanarri workshop for am Nursery pupils.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  RME with Jonathan (P5/6 and P6/7).
  • 1.30pm:  Mr. Cowan, Bagpipe Tutor working with P4 and P6 pupils.
  • 2pm-2.30pm:   P6/7 Sid and Shanarri workshop for pm Nursery pupils.

Thursday 25th May 2017

  • Non-uniform Day (£1 per pupil with a Beach Theme).
  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor working with P6 and P7 pupils.
  • 10am-10.15am:  Early Tuck Shop this week.
  • 10.15am-10.30am:  Extra playtime for pupils achieving Silver or Gold this week.
  • 11am-12pm:  Family Learning Workshop Week 2 (Mrs. Parker).
  • 1.30pm-3pm:  Open Afternoon – Click here for more details.
  • 3pm-4pm:  Pre-School Nursery Family workshop,

Friday 26th May 2017/Monday 29th May 2017

  • School and Nursery closed for May long weekend.

Tuesday 30th May 2017

  • School and nursery re-open at normal times.

Kilbowie May 2017 Day 2

It’s been a fantastic second day at Kilbowie and the children have made the most of the wonderful weather – it got to around 18 degrees today and not a cloud in the sky.  Just wonderful.

The children were woken to dance music blaring through the loud speakers at 7.30am this morning.  The children had to make sure their rooms were nice and tidy once they showered and got dressed as the Kilbowie staff were inspecting the rooms to make sure they were tidy.  Most of the children have done a great job at keeping rooms in order, but a few beds could have been neater!

Breakfast consisted of toast, cereal or porridge and some lovely hot tea to wake us up.

After a bit of free time, the children met their instructors to get ready for the morning activites and headed off to get their kit.  Group 1 and Miss Thomson were going Gorge Walking with Dave and Group 2 were taking part in Bushcraft with their instructor Chris, one of the other instructors, Keith and Mr. Clark too.  All of the children took part and tried new things, making their teachers very proud -themselves too.

Lunch was Macaroni and cheese or Tomato pasta with a cold option of filled rolls, with plenty of fresh fruit and crisps.

After lunch, the afternoon activities were Climbing for Group 1 with Dave and Group 2 worked with a different instructor (also called Chris) and went canoeing.

For dinner, we enjoyed Chicken or Quorn bites or Vegetable rice.  It was sticky toffee pudding for desert.  As the weather is so hot, we decided to forgo chips and instead walked into Oban for some Ice Cream from ‘The Pokey Hat Shop’  in Oban Harbour.  It was Mr Clark’s pleasure to treat the children as they have behaved so well this week.

The instructors came in the mini-bus to collect us but many of the boys wanted to walk back as it was such a good night – Mr Clark and Miss Thomson enjoyed the walk back too.

We arrived back in time for the night line – the highlight of Kilbowie.  The children follow a rope course wound through the forest area in the grounds.  The children tried really hard not to peek and most of them got all the way round without looking once.  Of course, it doesn’t help when the teachers are accidents giving the wrong instructions or pretending there’s obstacles that might not be there….

Finally, after a long day we enjoyed some sandwiches for supper, had a quick tuck shop and then settled to bed.  It’s all quiet now and everyone’s asleep, ready for an exciting day tomorrow.

Kilbowie May 2017 Day 1

We’ve had an amazing first day at Kilbowie – the sun is shinning and the children have been outdoors all afternoon.

We have a very smooth journey to Oban and not one person was unwell.  We stopped for a snack at the Green Welly near Crianlarich before making our way on to Kilbowie.

We arrived about 1pm and headed straight in for lunch.  After that, the children headed to their dorms to make their beds and unpack.  There was a fire drill practice and then the children got to meet their instructors.  The children in Group 1 have Dave as their instructor and Group 2’s is Chris.

Group 1 headed off for a nature walk and then had the opportunity to jump off the jetty into the sea.  Group 2 got to scale the climbing tree in the grounds using ropes and harnesses.  Most of the children reached the top to ring the bell and abseiled back down.

After a bit of free time in the games room, it was time for dinner.  Tonight’s menu was Sweet and Sour Chicken or Fish and Potato wedges all served with a pitta pocket and salad or veg.  For desert we had Lemon Drizzle cake which was delicious.

After we had tuck shop, we made the most of the glorious weather and headed outdoors to play two ‘scavenger hunt’ style games and then it was time for supper of sandwiches and juice.

The children have been an absolute credit to the school and their families – they have been exceptionally well behaved and supportive of each other.  They’re having fun and each and everyone of them has achieved something they hadn’t before today – wether it was climbing a tree, jumping in the water or making their own beds.

The forecast for tomorrow is hot and sunny again – we might take a wander down to Oban Town Centre for some Ice Cream and take in the scenery.


Head Teacher’s Blog – Monday 20th February 2017

Today was the launch of our Health Week, but it got off to an interesting start when I arrived at school to find we had no electricity due to a power cut in the local area!  As always, my fantastic staff ensured that everything ran smoothly and made sure the children were all well cared for despite this set back.

Mrs. Duffy and Mrs. Pollock ensured everyone had something nutritious to eat at Breakfast Club even though the shutter couldn’t go up and we had no toast.

Mr. McKenna supervised to make sure that no-one got lost in the dark corridor on their way into the hall and all of the teacher’s modified their plans so that lessons could go ahead as normal.

Fortunately the power came back on just before 9am and everything could go back to normal.  Well done to all children and staff for dealing with this situation calmly and sensibly!

Mrs. Robert and Miss Tiffney have been working very hard for the past few weeks to plan and prepare Health Week and it got off to flying start today.  They introduced the purpose and learning intentions of the week at a whole school assembly this morning.

There are lots of activities planned for the week and they began today with Circus Skills and Fruit Tasting with Iain and Kyrstie from Getting Better Together.

Pupils in Primary 1/2 and Primary 2/3 were learning about what to do in an emergency if someone became ill as part of our British Heart Foundation ‘HeartStart’ Training.

I enjoyed visiting all of the activities to see what the children were doing – and I even had a wee shot of Hula-Hooping!

The Health related learning didn’t stop in the school – the children in the nursery were taking part in lots of active exercise activities too:

However, the highlight of today was ‘Bella the Cow’: a life-size replica of a cow that we were fortunate to be able to borrow from Wiseman Dairies.

The children learned where milk comes from as part of their learning about Healthy Eating.  It has been real highlight of a very interesting day!

However, the fun did not stop there.  We held out first ‘Family Fitness Fun’ club at 3pm.  Staff, parents and pupils from the school and nursery came together to take part in a fun and energetic fitness class.  We had fitness stations, followed by a fun (and slightly competitive) game of Dodgy-Ball Tig and then Mrs. Robert led a lovely wellbeing cool down.  Thank you to everyone who came along – we hope to see lots more parents and children tomorrow!

There are lots of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks to look out for including:

  • The Stane Football Team starting up again.
  • Primary 6/7 taking part in a Community Tidy Up with Getting Better Together.
  • Mrs. Parker leading the Resilience Workshop Part 2 (On Thursday this week).

When we have a full day like today, it reminds me why Stane Primary is the wonderful school it is:  pupils, staff and parents working in partnership to create a wonderful community.  I really am privileged to be the Head Teacher here (even if I was referred to as the ‘Hula-Hooping Heidie!)

What’s on at Stane – 15th to 17th February 2017

This week’s lunch menu (Thursday and Friday only)


What’s on this week:

Wednesday 15th February 2017

  • School and Nursery closed to pupils for staff Inservice Day

Thursday 16th February 2017

  • 9am-10am:  Mr. Kane (Brass Tutor) working with pupils from P5-7
  • 11am-12.30pm:  Solihull Parent Group Week 4 with Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Linfoot
  • 12pm-12.45pm:  Early Lunchtime to accommodate theatre group visit.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  M& M Theatre show – P1-7 pupils.
  • 2.30pm-3pm:  M&M Theatre Workshop – P6/7.
  • 3pm-4pm:  P5-7 Cross Country Running Club with Mr. Clark and Mrs. Scott (Outdoor Kit required).

Friday 17th February 2017

  • NSPCC Workshops for P1-3 and P6-7 pupils today.
  • 2pm-3pm: Extra Playtime for Gold and Silver pupils
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time

Monday 20th-Friday 24th February 2017

  • Our annual Health Week will take place from Monday 20th February.  Pupils are invited to wear casual, comfortable clothes appropriate for activity all week.

What’s on 23rd-27th January 2017

This week’s lunch menu:


The diary for the week ahead

Monday 23rd January 2017

  • Installation of the new Outdoor Classroom will begin today. (Follow us on Twitter for updates)
  • Miss Wilson, Student Teacher, begins a six week placement in Primary 6/7 today.
  • 11am-12pm:  Pupils in P4/5 will begin a six week block of Badminton lessons for PE with Active Schools coach

Wednesday 25th January 2017

  • 9.15am-9.45am: Celebrating Success Assembly
  • 11am-11.15am:  Tea with Mr. Clark
  • 1.30pm:  Jonathan visiting P1/2 and P2/3 for RME.

Thursday 26th January 2017

  • 9am-10am: Mr. Kane, Brass Tutor, working with P5-7 children learning brass instrument.
  • 11am-12.30pm:  Solihull ‘Understanding Your Child’ Programme Week 1.  (You will receive individual notice if you have been allocated a space in this group).
  • 5pm-6pm:  Kilbowie Information Session for Parents of P7 Pupils

Friday 27th January 2017

  • Non-uniform day for nursery and school (£1 per pupil)
  • 9am-12pm:  Coaches from Motherwell FC working with P6/7 then P5/6 for Football lessons.
  • 2pm-2.15pm:  Extra playtime for children achieving Silver and Gold.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time
  • 5.30pm-8pm:  Parent Council Cinema Night (Tickets available at the office).


Parent Council Cinema Night


Stane Primary School and Nursery Class Parent Council event:

The Parent council are having a special showing of “BFG” in the school on Friday 27th January at 6.30pm.

Tickets are priced at £1 each and will be sold on a first come first served basis.

Children must be accompanied by an adult and everyone must have a ticket which includes a bag of popcorn.

Refreshments will be on sale at the interval.

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