
P1E Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

On Wednesday morning, Mrs Polatajko and the children of Primary 1 Edinburgh hosted a wonderful family Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

The children sang beautifully, wrote about their bears and drew some excellent pictures. They also made some delicious jam sandwiches from instructions they had written themselves! Their guests then joined them in playing some parachute games, before they finished off their day listening to Mrs Polatajko reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’

We’re not scared!!!

Great job P1E; great job Mrs Polatajko! Check out the gallery below to see the fun!


Family Learning Group Celebration!

Last night marked the end of our Number Talks Family Learning Group. Following the hard work, our parents and children enjoyed some well-deserved treats!

Feedback from the group has been really positive, and we are delighted to hear that our children (and parents!) are feeling more confident in using lots of different strategies to solve calculations!


Pupils v Staff Netball!

Every Thursday, Miss Clerkson and Miss Allan run an after-school netball club for P5-P7 pupils. The children have really developed their confidence and skills over the course of the year and have enjoyed some success at recent netball competitions.

Today, their practice session took an unexpected twist, when it was gatecrashed by a group of very competitive teachers!

The boys and girls in the team had been keen to pit their skills against the teachers, and everybody had a great time at this afternoon’s session!

The scoreboard might show that the teachers were very successful, but there may have been (more than) a little bit of cheating happening!


Coaching the Managers!

One of our parents, Gail Wilson, The Manager of Scotland’s Womens Volleyball team, came in to speak to our Sports Education Managers and Assistant Managers. She talked about her job, all the things and people that she was responsible for, what she liked about her job, as well as the bits that she didn’t like about her job! She showed the children how her team would go through the steps of shaking hands and exchanging gifts with the other countries they played against. Some of the children got small badges that would be part of this exchange. All of the children also got Scottish Volleyball wristbands. She will also be sending in 2 volleyballs signed by all of the Scottish Volleyball team that we can either raffle or use as prizes in our Sports Education!

Thank you Mrs Wilson – you were a fantastic help!


Watervole Wetland Development

P7 have enjoyed visiting Brownsburn Local Nature Reserve as part of their Outdoor Learning this year. Yesterday, the class were joined by park ranger Kirsty Mooney, to make an important trip to the park.

Did you know that there are European Water Vole living just behind our school? Our responsible citizens have been playing their part in developing the environment to ensure the survival of this endangered species. The pupils achieved this through planting particular types of plant around the wetland area – these plants will help encourage the water voles to the area. They must be delicious!

As you can see from our gallery, it was tough work!


Foods from Around the World!

Our children have been learning about foods from around the world recently.  One of our parents, Chef John, came in to teach the children about Italian food!

He made some delicious carbonara, garlic bread and pizza for our boys and girls to taste! The children were also involved in helping Chef John, and enjoyed discussing all of the different ingredients in the food.

On behalf of the girls and boys, we would like to thank Chef John for coming to visit.  Thanks John!!!


P2 Assembly

P2 have been working very hard this term with Mrs Harper and Mrs Paterson, practising for their class assembly.  The children looked absolutely terrific on stage dressed as a motley crew of Scottish pirates and mermaids!  They shared a huge amount of class learning with their audience, and also displayed some of their fabulous topic work in the school dining hall.

P2, we especially enjoyed:

  • Your two wonderful songs
  • Learning more about the country we live in
  • Hearing about your favourite places in Scotland
  • The Mermaid Drama
  • Learning about different languages and dialects used in Scotland
  • Finding out about some fearsome pirates!

We would like to say a big well done to our pupils and teachers for working so hard to produce their performance for us today! Thank you also to our families and friends for joining us in such large numbers – you really help to make these events special!


P6/7 Japan Assembly

This morning, P6/7 presented an excellent assembly, all about Japan!

The assembly started and ended with some perfectly spoken Japanese, and included a magnificent Japanese karaoke version of ‘Let It Go’! That’s definitely a Rochsolloch Primary School first!

The audience were transfixed on our performers as they shared with us some of the wonderful learning that has been taking place in the class in recent weeks. P6/7 have truly covered the whole curriculum through this topic, investigating everything from sport to natural disasters – even making some delicious sushi!

The way the children presented their complex spoken lines was absolutely tremendous. They did themselves proud!

Thank you so much to all of our parents, grandparents and friends who turned out to help make this a great experience for our children. Thank you also to Mr Flanigan and Miss Findlay to preparing the children so well for this wonderful showcase!


After School Family Learning Club

After school yesterday, we were joined by some parents and children for the first session of our After School Family Learning Club.

Mrs McCulloch, Miss Allan, Miss Duncan and Miss Findlay worked with our parents and pupils on ‘Number Talks’, which is a new numeracy initiative being taken forward in our school.

The pupils and their parents worked together on a variety of calculations, investigating and learning new ways of working with numbers.

We have seen a big improvement in the ability of our children to solve calculations using efficient strategies since introducing Number Talks in our classes across the school. Many of our pupils are now much more confident in their understanding of number and their ability to tackle difficult calculations using a variety of strategies.

Keep it up everyone!


Boxing Taster Sessions

It certainly was a busy day at Rochsolloch Primary School yesterday!

We were visited by Mark McGuinness, from Ecosse Boxing Club. Martin is a former Commonwealth boxing coach, and he joined us to share some of his expertise with our children.

After speaking to the whole school at assembly, Mark took some classes for individual sessions, where he taught the children about the sport and gave them a chance to try it out.

Check out the gallery below!


Visit from Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Yesterday at assembly we were visited by Julie from Down’s Syndrome Scotland, who arrived to receive our large cheque of £298.10!

Julie also taught us more about the wonderful work of Down’s Syndrome Scotland, and thanked our school pupils for their amazing contribution!

Before leaving, our pupils treated Julie to a display of some of our Makaton sign language we have been learning – we think she was really impressed!


P2/3 Sound Energy Assembly

This morning, the pupils from P2/3 and Mrs Hill presented an excellent assembly all about Sound Energy.

The children shared a wealth of knowledge about sound, including: how sound is created through vibrations, Morse Code, and how our ears help us with balance as well as hearing.

We also got to see how the children have developed their musical skills during their topic through excellent demonstrations of glockenspiel playing and drumming.

We really enjoyed the performance P2/3, and the feedback from your audience was first class!

Great job children; great job Mrs Hill!


Wear Red for Comic Relief!

Today marked the end of an amazing week of fundraising at Rochsolloch Primary School!

Our school and nursery children came to school wearing red, to celebrate the wonderful work of the Comic Relief charity.

Grand totals for both Comic Relief and Down’s Syndrome Scotland will be announced next week, but early indications show that we have raised around £200 for Down’s Syndrome Scotland and over £400 for Comic Relief.

In addition to this money,  we also managed to sell an unbelievable 300 red noses! Each nose sold provides Comic Relief with at least 60p towards the charity.

Don’t forget to tune in to Comic Relief TV tonight to find out about the wonderful worldwide projects that your generous donations will be supporting.  Red noses are available at Sainsbury’s for anyone who wasn’t one of the ‘lucky few’ to pick one up this week!

We are so proud of your efforts children!!!


Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day

As you will know, today is Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day!

At assembly last week, Mr Innes taught the pupils about what causes Down’s Syndrome, and how Down’s Syndrome can affect people.

Today we celebrated Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day by taking part in the Lots of Socks campaign, with lots of our school and nursery pupils and staff choosing to get involved in the fun of the day by wearing extra, odd or whacky socks!

So far, we have raised an amazing £164.50 to support the excellent work of Down’s Syndrome Scotland.


Fundraising for Comic Relief!

This morning at playtime, our Pupil Council started selling red noses for Comic Relief, with our first batch selling out in just over two minutes!

Don’t worry though, there will be new noses on sale again at playtime tomorrow.  Noses are priced at £1.

We can’t wait to send our grand total to Comic Relief on Friday!


Loch Ness Movie Afternoon

This afternoon, the pupils from Loch Ness enjoyed a snack and a movie, as a reward for earning more points that any other house during Term 2.

We would like to say a big thank you to Anya and Coby for organising this treat for their house, and for choosing a brilliant movie!

Pupils are awarded house points for showing wonderful behaviour, superb effort, great attitude, or super manners.


P1S Scottish Coffee Morning

We had a lovely start to the day today here at Rochsolloch Primary School as the children of P1S invited their families in to enjoy a Scottish themed coffee morning!

The children sang some lovely Scottish songs, danced and recited poetry for their adoring public, before joining their families for tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. We also learned about what makes our girls and boys proud to be Scottish.

The morning was rounded off with some prize bingo, with two lucky winners taking a delicious prize home this afternoon!

Thank you so much to all of the families who turned out to make this a memorable experience for the children, and for the lovely feedback which will be shared with the class.

Finally, a huge well done to Miss Clerkson, Mrs Fraser, Mrs Morisson, and all of our little Scottish stars in P1S!


P2/3 Riverside Museum Outing

As part of their ‘Travel and Transport’ class IDL topic, P2/3 headed into Glasgow yesterday to visit the Riverside Museum.

During the day, the children had the opportunity to become scientists, engineers, designers, and even inventors, as they looked and travel through the ages!

Mrs Hill received several compliments from members of the public about the outstanding behaviour of the boys and girls in the class – just what we like to hear P2/3!

Thank you to our parent helpers who helped ensure our children had a wonderful day out, enriching their learning in the process!


World Book Day 2017

Our pupils and staff had a ball celebrating World Book Day yesterday, with a whole host of ‘Booky’ activities happening across the school and nursery.

There was a real buzz of excitement in the air, creating a wonderful atmosphere as our pupils dived head first into Literacy and English.

Boys and girls: don’t forget to pop to the shops this weekend to exchange your World Book Day vouchers for one of the wonderful brand new titles created especially for the day!

Take a look at the gallery below to check out some of the fun!

More photos to follow soon.


P3 Day and Night Assembly

This morning, P3 and Miss Black presented a wonderful assembly, all about Day and Night.

Earlier in the year, the pupils had read ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’, which is a classic tale about a young animal struggling with fear.

The pupils from P3 taught us about why there was no reason to be afraid of new things, and that many of our fears are unjustified. We also learned about why we have day and night, as well as some interesting facts about the sun and the moon. In addition to this, we saw some short drama exerts from the story and heard some wonderful singing – including some pop songs with a twist!

You presented so confidently and so clearly P3. It was a wonderful assembly and we really enjoyed it! Congratulations!

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