
Next Week’s Fundraising

A quick reminder relating to next week’s plans:

Down’s Syndrome Awareness Day – Lots of Socks Campaign

  • Pupils to come to school wearing colourful, whacky, odd or extra socks and bring a £1 donation for Down’s Syndrome Scotland.

Comic Relief – Red Nose Day

  • Red noses on sale from Monday, priced at £1.
  • ‘Wear Red’ themed dress-down day on Friday – any donations very welcome.

Loch Ness Movie Afternoon

This afternoon, the pupils from Loch Ness enjoyed a snack and a movie, as a reward for earning more points that any other house during Term 2.

We would like to say a big thank you to Anya and Coby for organising this treat for their house, and for choosing a brilliant movie!

Pupils are awarded house points for showing wonderful behaviour, superb effort, great attitude, or super manners.


P1S Scottish Coffee Morning

We had a lovely start to the day today here at Rochsolloch Primary School as the children of P1S invited their families in to enjoy a Scottish themed coffee morning!

The children sang some lovely Scottish songs, danced and recited poetry for their adoring public, before joining their families for tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. We also learned about what makes our girls and boys proud to be Scottish.

The morning was rounded off with some prize bingo, with two lucky winners taking a delicious prize home this afternoon!

Thank you so much to all of the families who turned out to make this a memorable experience for the children, and for the lovely feedback which will be shared with the class.

Finally, a huge well done to Miss Clerkson, Mrs Fraser, Mrs Morisson, and all of our little Scottish stars in P1S!


Loch Ness House Treat

There will be a house treat for the pupils of Loch Ness (Red) on Wednesday afternoon.

The Loch Ness Captains have organised a movie afternoon.  Pupils are welcome to bring a comfy cushion to sit on during the showing of Finding Dory.


Nursery Newsletter

The Nursery Newsletter for March is now available for download.


P2/3 Riverside Museum Outing

As part of their ‘Travel and Transport’ class IDL topic, P2/3 headed into Glasgow yesterday to visit the Riverside Museum.

During the day, the children had the opportunity to become scientists, engineers, designers, and even inventors, as they looked and travel through the ages!

Mrs Hill received several compliments from members of the public about the outstanding behaviour of the boys and girls in the class – just what we like to hear P2/3!

Thank you to our parent helpers who helped ensure our children had a wonderful day out, enriching their learning in the process!


World Book Day 2017

Our pupils and staff had a ball celebrating World Book Day yesterday, with a whole host of ‘Booky’ activities happening across the school and nursery.

There was a real buzz of excitement in the air, creating a wonderful atmosphere as our pupils dived head first into Literacy and English.

Boys and girls: don’t forget to pop to the shops this weekend to exchange your World Book Day vouchers for one of the wonderful brand new titles created especially for the day!

Take a look at the gallery below to check out some of the fun!

More photos to follow soon.


World Book Day

We had a wonderful time during World Book Day!

Check back soon for photographs and more information!


Parent Council Meeting Minutes

The minutes from January’s Parent Council Meeting are now available for download.


School Newsletter

The school newsletter for February is now available for download.


P3 Day and Night Assembly

This morning, P3 and Miss Black presented a wonderful assembly, all about Day and Night.

Earlier in the year, the pupils had read ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’, which is a classic tale about a young animal struggling with fear.

The pupils from P3 taught us about why there was no reason to be afraid of new things, and that many of our fears are unjustified. We also learned about why we have day and night, as well as some interesting facts about the sun and the moon. In addition to this, we saw some short drama exerts from the story and heard some wonderful singing – including some pop songs with a twist!

You presented so confidently and so clearly P3. It was a wonderful assembly and we really enjoyed it! Congratulations!


P7 Outdoor Learning

As part of their topic on Scotland, P7 will be getting out into the great Scottish outdoors over the coming weeks, enjoying the Scottish weather and taking in the scenery.

This afternoon, the class worked in groups to create sun shelters using a limited selection of materials. Mr Innes was extremely impressed with the way the pupils collaborated and assigned roles to one another. Later in the term, the class will be building on this knowledge when they create ‘wild shelters’ in Brownsburn Local Nature Reserve – our favourite destination for outdoor learning!

Over the next four Tuesdays, our children will also be hiking, recording signs of animal life, and identifying and classifying insects and mini-beasts.


World Book Day 2017

Remember that Thursday is World Book Day!  Pupils are free to come to school dressed as their favourite fictional character, all set for plenty of ‘booky’ activities!


P3/4 Titanic Assembly

Yesterday, P3/4 presented a terrific assembly, all about The Titanic.

The rain was so heavy that some of our guests may have needed a boat to get to the performance…but the hall was as busy as ever and the children did themselves proud as they wowed us with all of the knowledge they have built during their topic studies.

During the performance, we saw and heard about:

  • The five BIG QUESTIONS the class investigated
  • Some terrific folk dancing
  • Interesting information about the boat and its cabins
  • Two beautiful songs
  • Some absolutely incredible costumes
  • Confident speaking

We would like to say a huge well done to P3/4 and Miss Allan for presenting such an interesting and unique assembly! Thanks also to parents and carers for turning the children out so magnificently in their uniforms and costumes, and for helping the pupils with the wonderful homework projects they produced!


Kilbowie Video

Click on the link below to view the video shown at this evening’s Kilbowie meeting for P7 pupils and parents:



At Rochsolloch Primary School, we always aim to provide our children with two hours of high-quality physical education every week. During their time at school, our pupils learn that taking part in exercise has both physical and mental health benefits. Yesterday afternoon, our pupils from P4-P7 took part in a boxercise taster session, with the team from Bannan Fitness Club.

The children had a great time working up a sweat as they completed their routines using the gloves and pads, medicine balls and steppers. Boxersise is a really high-energy activity, so the pupils were testing their stamina as well as their strength!

Not content to let the pupils have all the fun, our staff team took part in a session of our own at the end of the school day, with most of use making use of muscles we’d forgotten we had!


Kilbowie Meeting

Don’t forget we have a meeting this evening from 6pm-7pm for P7 parents and pupils about the Kilbowie Outdoor Centre Visit in June.


World of Work

P4/5 learned about the world of work today, when they were visited by Mrs McDonald, also known as Sophie’s Mum!

Mrs McDonald told the class all about what skills and qualities a person needs to be a good police officer. The children also learned about the different departments within the police service and about what the day to day job is like.

Finally the pupils were given a demonstration of some important police equipment before an arrest was made!

Thank you so much for visiting us Mrs McDonald, we really learned a lot!


The Great Google Expedition

Today, all of our pupils from P1-P7 got the chance to take part in an amazing Google Expedition. Using virtual reality, our teachers guided our pupils through a variety of incredible locations linked to class studies, such as:

* The Great Barrier Reef

* The surface of the moon

* New York City

* The Great Wall of China

* Aurora Borealis

* Mount Everest

Our pupils absolutely loved this experience.  Here are some one sentence reviews from our P5 pupils:

“I thought it was a great experience and I thought it was absolutely amazing!” – Billy

“It felt so real!” – Archie and Robbie

“I loved it!” – Logan

“It was amazing having the chance to do that!” – Lucy

“It was good to have a different experience in school.” – Katie

“It felt like I was floating above The Great Wall of China!” – Max



Rock On Rochsolloch!

Last night our pupils performed a wonderful rock concert in front of a jam-packed audience in New Wellwynd Church! Capping off the end of the Rookie Rockstars experience, our young rockers sang and danced their hearts out, amazing the crowd with their confidence and with the quality of their performance!

Take a look at the gallery and check out the fun our pupils had rocking out!

This really has been an amazing experience for our pupils, who have loved every minute of it.

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