
Kilbowie Blog – Day 2

It’s another beautiful day in Oban and our children are just returning from their morning activities in time for lunch. Some of our children have been skiing in the sun, while others have been out canoeing or gorge walking. Everyone is having a great time so far, and everyone enjoyed a good sleep last night!

Tomorrow’s weather forecast isn’t so good so the teachers and children will be making the most of the sunshine today! We’ve planned to walk into Oban with the children after dinner for an ice cream. Yum!

Unfortunately we’re not able to upload our photographs to the Kilbowie computer – so you won’t get to watch us in action until the weekend!


Kilbowie Blog – Day 1

Our P7 children arrived safe and sound at Kilbowie today, and have been having a great time in the sunshine so far! The children have met with their group instructors and have been jumping into the sea! They’ve just finished some delicious chicken fajitas and are now enjoying an hour of free time before the evening activities begin!

We took some super photographs today, but unfortunately we’re having some trouble getting them online! Hopefully the problem will be resolved for tomorrow!


Summer Sports Camps


Sports Day 2017

This week, our eight-week Sports Education project culminated in two wonderful sports days!

Take a look at the gallery below to see our budding athletes in action!


P7 Treat Week!

On Tuesday this week, our P7 pupils went Laser Tagging in Glasgow, with the money they made from their Fruit Sundae/Sports Raffle enterprise topic! They had even made enough money to have pizza delivered while they were there!

Last night, at New Wellwynd Church, the children got their gladrags on and met for their leavers’ disco, which included some delicious chip shop food. Thank goodness we had sports day this week to help us burn off some of those calories!

We’d like to say a huge thanks to the parents and staff who helped make these events possible – the children had a blast!


Pupil Equity Fund

You may have read about funding allocated to schools this year by the Scottish Government.  The Pupil Equity Fund is awarded to schools to help address the attainment gap.

Please click the link below to find out more about the Pupil Equity Fund.



SmartSTEM at Strathclyde Univeristy

P6 and P7 girls had the unique experience of attending a SmartSTEM event at Strathclyde University.  SmartSTEM provide equity of opportunity to young people into STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) with particular focus on the gender gap.  The girls experienced Plastic Cup Challenge, workshop based around product design, manufacture and teamwork, LED workshop and Social Media Content Creation workshop.  SmartSTEM interviewed those attending and this can be viewed in August on SmartSTEM TV.  Hopefully this event will inspired our pupils to go forward to select one of the STEM professions for their future careers.


Nursery Sports 2017

On Thursday last week, we held our annual nursery class sports day!

Take a look at the gallery to see our little athletes running, jumping and throwing – and generally having a great time!

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Mr Griffin and our P6 pupils for helping our wonderful nursery staff organise such a great day for the children. We’d also like to give a special mention to our superhero family members for being such good sports in the adult race!


Nursery Newsletter

The Nursery Newsletter for June can now be downloaded from the Newsletter Page.


New Photos

New photos have been added to the gallery of the P3/4 and P4/5 trip to the Five Sisters Zoo. Check them out!


Nursery Train Trips

Did you know that our nursery class regularly take short trips on the train?

Our children walk to the train station in small groups, talking about road safety as they go. The children also learn about the different roles people in society play. When the children are out and about they also look for where text and signs can be found in the environment.

Sounds like fun boys and girls – take us with you please!


P5 World of Work Assembly

This morning, P5 presented our last class assembly of the year to pupils, parents and friends. The assembly was all about the World of Work, which has been a big focus for our P5 pupils this session. Preparing pupils for life in the real world is such an important part of the job we do at Rochsolloch Primary School!

Our P5 pupils spoke confidently about their studies in class, sharing a great deal of what they have learned about life as a working person, including the skills and qualities they might need to be successful in their chosen career.

P5, we especially enjoyed:

* Learning which jobs you’d like to do when you’re older

* Hearing your singing – which was terrific

* Watching your excellent dancing

* The Incy Wincy Spider drama song

As always, the children were a credit to their class teacher, their families, and our school. We would like to thank P5 and Mrs Munoz for putting on such an excellent performance, as well as our parents and families who helped to turn the class out in such fantastic costumes!


P3/4 and P4/5 Visit Five Sisters Zoo

Recently, P4/5 and P3/4 got together for a terrific educational excursion to the Five Sisters Zoo. The children were amazed to learn that many of the animals at the zoo have been rescued from performing in circuses.

Have a peek at our gallery to see the children enjoying seeing the animals, learning about minibeast identification, and enjoying a post-lunch play at the swing park!


P7 Inverlochy Scottish Outing

Yesterday, P7 Inverlochy headed out for the day – on an extended school trip! The class have been studying several aspects of modern Scottish life, as well as Scottish history. To celebrate the end of their studies, Miss Duncan organised a day out to visit the National Museum of Scotland, following by an afternoon receiving a guided tour of the Scottish Parliament.

The class split into small groups to explore the museum before enjoying a bite to eat and a tour of the gift shop. The afternoon was spent learning more about how the Scottish Parliament is run, while getting to enjoy some ‘behind the scenes’ access, denied to the general public – including a tour of the debating chamber! Check out the gallery to see how our day went! Museum photographs were taken by our talented children.

It really was an excellent day out, and our children were an absolute credit to our school in terms of their behaviour and the way they impressed their tour guides with their incredible knowledge of the Scottish Parliament!


P1 Race for Life

Today we held our first ever P1 Race for Life to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Our P1 children were joined by their parents and other relatives to take part in a tricky off-road 1K sponsored run.

Following a quick warm up, the children set off – amazing Mr Innes with just how fit they were! Friends and relatives had turned out to cheer them on as they left the school building and ran through the park at Cairnhill, and were waiting to raise the roof for their little superstars as they crossed the line on our football pitch at the end of the race!

After all the hard work, our pupils and their running partners were given a well-earned cup of juice before climbing the podium to receive their medals in front of their adoring public!

We would like to say a huge congratulations to the pupils, family members and staff who helped make the event a success – and to everyone who has donated to the cause. So far, we have raised over £500!

Finally – we would like to wish our Rochsolloch Rochettes good luck for the Race for Life at Glasgow Green tomorrow, with 15 female members of staff taking part to raise money for this amazing cause. If you’re at the race tomorrow, be sure to give them an extra loud cheer!

We are so proud of our Rochsolloch family!


Summer Disco!

Last night, our pupils came out in their shorts and shades to enjoy the Parent Council Summer Disco!

The weather didn’t let us down, and neither did the entertainment! Our children enjoyed dancing, taking part in the limbo, having their faces painted and getting a silly snap at the photo booth – check out the gallery below!

We would like to say a huge thanks to our Parent Council and all of our parent helpers who came along last night. Many of our children told us today that this was the best disco ever!


P1E Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

On Wednesday morning, Mrs Polatajko and the children of Primary 1 Edinburgh hosted a wonderful family Teddy Bears’ Picnic!

The children sang beautifully, wrote about their bears and drew some excellent pictures. They also made some delicious jam sandwiches from instructions they had written themselves! Their guests then joined them in playing some parachute games, before they finished off their day listening to Mrs Polatajko reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!’

We’re not scared!!!

Great job P1E; great job Mrs Polatajko! Check out the gallery below to see the fun!


Transition Playtime

On Tuesday, the boys and girls from our nursery class joined our P1s and P6s for a shared playtime as part of our transition programme!

The children enjoyed getting the chance to play in the school playground, and many of them had the opportunity to meet their buddies for next year! They also got a chance to get to know a few of our Rochsolloch teachers, so there will be plenty of friendly faces to greet them in August!


Family Learning Group Celebration!

Last night marked the end of our Number Talks Family Learning Group. Following the hard work, our parents and children enjoyed some well-deserved treats!

Feedback from the group has been really positive, and we are delighted to hear that our children (and parents!) are feeling more confident in using lots of different strategies to solve calculations!


P7’s Sporty Raffle

Every year, our Parent Council donate £200 to our P7 pupils as part of an annual enterprise project.

Our P7s are then charged with coming up with an idea for how to make that money grow. The profits they make fund an end-of-year treat, which the children choose themselves.

This year, the P7 pupils from Mr Flanigan and Miss Duncan’s classes decided to hold a sporty raffle. £1 buys five tickets, with the lucky winner winning the wonderful prize shown below:

In addition to the raffle, our P7 pupils are also making delicious fruit sundaes which are being sold as a healthy snack option for pupils throughout the school. Fruit sundaes cost 70p.

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