
All departments use Microsoft Teams for homework. Teaching staff set assignments which pupils can submit electronically.

Teams is available through your Glow launchpad or as a separate app (free download).

Staff have already added pupils into Teams for each subject.

Logging into Teams

If you are using the Teams app, you will have to sign in separately. You might be asked for a valid log in which is just your Glow email address



Trouble shooting Teams

If Teams is still not launching, check the following:

  1. Are your username and password correct and spelled properly? Look out for random @ signs in the wrong place.
  2. Is Teams using the correct username? If not, click on Log into a different account
  3. If you recently changed your password, Teams might not have caught up with the change yet – it can take a few days.
  4. If it’s still not working, delete the app and reinstall it. All your work should be safe in the cloud.

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