About our school

Our Lady’s High School is a six year Catholic comprehensive school serving Motherwell and part of Wishaw. It is dedicated to the academic and spiritual development of all our pupils. Its current accommodation dates from 1974, but its records go back to 1875 and the birth of Catholic Secondary Education in Lanarkshire.

The primary schools associated with Our Lady’s High School are St. Bernadette’s, St. Brendan’s and Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral (shared with Taylor High School).

The current roll is comfortably accommodated in the building, which has a capacity of 1200 pupils. The landscaped grounds, playing fields and surrounding woodlands create a very pleasant environment.

As a Catholic Community, we have the Gospel values at the heart of what we do and this is evident in the excellent ethos within our school, in particular the quality of the relationships amongst its members.

A Chaplain is based in Our Lady’s High School and will offer Mass for pupils and staff in the school’s Memorial Chapel. He is assisted in his work by an active school Chaplaincy Team which includes senior pupils.

We are committed to ensuring that all of our pupils leave here having experienced high quality teaching and benefited from a wide range of experiences to assist in the development of their faith as well as ensuring that they become responsible citizens.

We place the highest importance on the partnership we enjoy with our parents and carers, and welcome at all times the opportunity to meet and discuss with our partners all aspects of our school and the welfare of their children.

Welcome to Our Lady's High School, Motherwell

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