Password advice

A good password is something that’s memorable for you but meaningless to everyone else.

Most security organisations now suggest you use three or four different words as a password. But it only works if you remember them.

Here’s one idea to help you choose a password.

Think of all the things you do each day after school, putting them in order by day


  • you might walk your dog, Fred (Mondays)
  • play football (Tuesdays)
  • play your xbox (Wednesdays)

So you could make a password that looks like this (keep the spaces between the words):

Fred football xbox

That is a very difficult password to break or guess, and it would be unique to you (but don’t use this one!)

If your password is not strong enough, Glow will not accept it.
A coloured bar will appear beneath your password as you type to tell you how strong it is.

NEVER share your password with anyone, even your best friends.

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