Letter 10th March 2021

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you know the First Minister announced that there would be an opportunity for all secondary pupils to get some in-school experience from 15th March up to the Easter holidays (school finishes on Thursday 1st April). Provisional arrangements currently are for a full return of all pupils after Easter on 19th April, but like everything at the moment, this is subject to change depending on data.

The 2m social distancing has to be in place this side of Easter and therefore this restricts the number of pupils we can have in at any one time (approx. one third of the school). There are clear instructions from the Scottish Government that priority should be given to Senior Phase due to qualifications this year.


A timetable has been devised to allow for 2 days per week for S4/5/6 pupils and 1 day per week for S1/2/3 pupils. Unfortunately the last week is only a 4 day week and so a small group of pupils may be affected by this. Pupils will be in school as follows:

All of S4
S1 – Andrew House and Columba House ONLY

All of S4
S1 – Margaret House and Sinclair House ONLY

All of S3

All of S5/6
S2 – Andrew House and Sinclair House ONLY

All of S5/6
S2 – Columba House and Margaret House ONLY

  • Please note that the Houses relate to the pupils’ Pupil Support Teachers:
      • Andrew House – Mrs Connor
      • Columba House – Mr McVeagh
      • Margaret House – Mrs Darroch
      • Sinclair House – Mr Martin
  • When not in school, pupils will continue with remote learning.
  • It will not be the usual timetable that pupils will follow as this does not work in these circumstances. The timetable with subjects that pupils will follow will be sent out later in the week.
  • Due to social distancing classes are having to be split since there will be a maximum of about 10-12 pupils on average in each room. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the class teacher will be taking the class, but it will be a subject specialist (unless staff absence does not allow).
  • These arrangements will supersede the timetable that had been in place for practical subjects. which will continue until the end of this week.
  • All pupils should wear school uniform.


School buses will be running as normal. The information form the Scottish Government concluded that some relaxation in the 2m restriction on school transport could be supported as long as the importance of ventilation on buses was emphasised, alongside the need for regular effective cleaning.

Face coverings should be worn on school transport (as on public transport) and an approach whereby pupils sit on staggered seating (i.e. not next to each other, but alternating window-aisle-window etc. row by row) would be sufficient mitigation.

Car sharing should continue to be discouraged.

Arrival at School 

Pupils should wait outside on their arrival at school in their designated areas, as was the case before Christmas. They will then be directed to class.

2m Social Distancing

Pupils should adhere to 2m social distancing in and around the school. This means that in classes, corridors and in social areas, such as the canteen, pupils maintain this social distancing.

Face Masks

The Scottish Government advice is that all secondary pupils from S1 -S6 should now wear masks in the school building including classes (S4/5/6 have been doing this for a number of months now). We are aware of those pupils who are exempt on medical grounds.

LFD Testing

Lateral flow device (LFD) testing has been introduced in schools for staff and senior pupils (S4/5/6). Information on this has been sent out previously and if you have not already completed the consent form and received these, I would encourage you to do so as this can have an impact of stopping the spread of the virus where staff or pupils are asymptomatic. Pupils should see Mr McHugh or Mrs Moore for their test packs. If pupils were in school for the full week, there would be an expectation that a test was done twice that week (eg. Sun/Wed night). Given that senior pupils are only in two days until Easter, it would be sufficient for them to only do the test once a week, the night before they come into school for their first day that week (or in the morning if they are out their bed early enough!). The announcement has just been made this week by the Depute First Minister that these tests would be available to all secondary pupils after Easter. We will let you know when we receive more information about this.

Since the lockdown in January we have been accommodating a small number of pupils for various reason, eg. key worker children. We will continue to accommodate these pupils as usual during those final three weeks before the Easter holidays.
Trying to pull something together that would work, in the time we were given, has been a massive task and I would like to thank Mrs Moore and Mr McHugh in particular for the huge amount of time and effort they have put in to creating a timetable taking into account the restrictions we have in place. A task like this would normally take a number of weeks, which makes it all the more laudable.

As stated previously, a timetable will be sent later in the week so that pupils will know their subjects for the day they are in school.

Thank you once again for your patience and understanding in these ever-changing times.

Kind Regards

Dan Cardle

World Book Day

Today is World Book Day. The Librarian has purchased a special World Book Day book for every S1 pupil (which will be handed out once everyone is back in school), as well as the usual World Book Day £1 book token. The tokens can be used to buy a specially published £1 World Book Day book or as £1 discount token against a more expensive book.

However, because schools are still in Lockdown the World Book Day organisers have also created a digital token which can be downloaded here and printed.


If you would prefer a pre-printed token, please contact the school office and we will sort one for you next week.

The tokens are available to all pupils in the school and can be used until 28th March 2021.

Take some time to read today!

SQA Update letter, 2nd April 2020

Dear Parents and Carers

As you already know, the SQA exams are not going ahead this year. However, every effort is being made to ensure that young people are not disadvantaged. The SQA produced further guidance yesterday, 2nd April. SQA updates can be found on their website here:


I have attached for your information a copy of the guidance produced for learners, parents and carers.

SQA – Learner Parent Carer Guidance – 020420

However, please note the following:

  • Awards will be based on estimate grades and the professional judgement applied by teachers and will draw upon a range of evidence which could include prelims, class tests, classwork and, importantly, prior attainment
  • Teachers will not share estimate grades with pupils because these will only form part of the process. It will be SQA and not the school who will make the final decision about grades awarded. Estimates provide the SQA with the information needed to allow them to adjust them where necessary, to ensure consistency both across the country, and in comparison with previous years.
  • Schools are not required to submit coursework for marking in National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher courses. Any coursework previously submitted is not being marked.
  • For Nat 3. Nat 4 and Units only in Nat 5 & Higher, schools will provide the SQA with unit results based on either existing evidence from assessments that have already been completed, and/or by using their professional judgement of work through the year.
  • SQA have confirmed that results will be issued no later than Tuesday 4th August. We strongly recommend that learners sign-up to MySQA in order to receive their results by text and/or email. Any learner who has already received their results through MySQA will continue to do so, and we recommend that learners review their profile to make sure their contact details are up to date.

If you need UCAS updates you can get them here: https://www.ucas.com/coronavirus-updates-hub

Please remember that OLHS is closed. If you have any queries, please email office@ourladyshigh.sch.uk

Please stay safe and stay well,

God Bless

Dan Cardle
Head Teacher

Key worker information: Support for Key Workers (Update 29.03.20)

Support for Key Workers (Update 29.03.20)

School Hubs 

We are now providing a seven-day school and childcare support operation across ten school hubs ONLY for key workers to enable them to carry out their critical roles in the NHS or other essential services during this health emergency.

All ten of our school hubs will be open from:

Monday to Friday from Monday 30 March between the hours of 8am and 8pm and at the weekends on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 3pm, to provide crucial care for key workers and other vulnerable groups.

It is essential, to stop the spread of coronavirus, that parents and carers who are able to take care of their children at home or have a partner who is not a key worker, provide childcare. This seven-day support is being offered to key workers who absolutely require it to enable NHS and other critical services to function.

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should any child who has symptoms of coronavirus, or who lives in a household where someone has symptoms, present at school. The whole family must follow the self-isolation advice..

The service outlined below will be available at the following schools Monday to Friday for children and young people at early years (from birth to age five), primary and secondary age:

Pre-school:  8am – 9am

School day: 9am – 3pm

After care:   3pm – 8pm

School hubs

If your child normally goes to school in KILSYTH and surrounding villages:
Please take your child to St Patrick’s Primary School, Backbrae Street, G65 0NA.

If your child normally goes to school in MOODIESBURN, CHRYSTON, STEPPS and surrounding areas:
Please take your child to Chryston High School, Lindsaybeg Rd, Chryston, G69 9DL

If your child normally goes to school in CUMBERNAULD:
Please take your child to Cumbernauld Academy, South Kildrum Ring Rd, Cumbernauld G67 2UF

If your child normally goes to school in AIRDRIE and surrounding villages:
Please take your child to Hilltop Primary School, Petersburn Rd, Airdrie ML6 8BH

If your child normally goes to school in MOSSEND, NEW STEVENSTON, HOLYTOWN and surrounding villages:
Please take your child to New Stevenston Primary School, Coronation Rd East, New Stevenston, Motherwell ML1 4HX

If your child normally goes to school in BELLSHILL or VIEWPARK:
Please take your child to St John Paul II Primary School, 1 Laburnum Rd, Viewpark, G71 5DG

If your child normally goes to school in COATBRIDGE and surrounding villages:
Please take your child to St Ambrose High School, 65 Townhead Rd, Coatbridge ML5 2JE

If your child normally goes to school in MOTHERWELL:
Please take your child to Cathedral Primary School, 171 Milton Street, Motherwell, ML1 1DH

If your child normally goes to school in WISHAW and surrounding areas:
Please take your child to Clyde Valley High School, Castlehill Rd, Wishaw ML2 0QS

If your child normally goes to school in SHOTTS and surrounding areas:
Please take your child to Calderhead High School, Dyfrig St, Shotts ML7 4DH

For early years’ childcare in Shotts, please take your child to Shotts Family Learning Centre, Shottskirk Road, ML7 4ER


If you are a parent/carer of a child who attends an LCSC unit, and you require school support as you are a key worker, your child should attend the nearest school to you as listed above.

All children and young people will be provided with a hot meal and snack.

The service will be managed by a team of volunteer staff from Education and Families and other services across the council and will provide learning appropriate to the needs of children and young people, Monday to Friday. Children and young people will be offered a range of indoor and outdoor active play, sport and leisure activities with Active Schools, Culture and Leisure North Lanarkshire (CLNL) and third-sector partners for the after-care and weekend service.

In line with government guidance, all staff and children and young people attending the hub schools are exercising social distancing measures and practising good hand hygiene while enjoying a range of activities.

Appropriate risk assessments have been carried out at each venue and incorporate relevant adult/pupil ratios and the specific needs of children and young people.

As before, all parents/carers will need to complete a keyworker form on arrival at the hub school.

Volunteer staff should attend hub school nearest their place of work for 8.45am.



Key workers must take their child to the relevant school hub as listed above. No school transport will run.

Free school meals

A new payment system is being set up for pupils who receive free school meals – this includes all primary 1 to primary 3 pupils.

This commenced on Friday 27 March and will run throughout the current health crisis.

ASN Schools

From Monday 30 March 2020, five ASN schools will be in operation as listed below. They will be open Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am and 3pm:

Firpark Primary School, 177 Milton Street, Motherwell, ML1 1DH

Buchanan High School, 67 Townhead Road, Coatbridge, ML5 2HT

Mavisbank School, Mitchell St, Airdrie ML6 0EB

Redburn School and Nursery, Kildrum Rd, Cumbernauld, Glasgow G67 2EL

Portland High School, 31-33 Kildonan St, Coatbridge ML5 3LG

Early Years Provision

Key workers who require care for their child or children will be supported by the school hubs as outlined above.

Key worker categories

Please note: these are the categories of key workers who can, if absolutely necessary, access support. The council does not make decisions, beyond council employees, about who must or must not attend work. Your employer must behave responsibly in making decisions and heed UK and Scottish Government advice.

Category 1


  • Health and care workers directly supporting COVID-19 response and associated staff
  • Workers supporting life-threatening emergency work as well as critical primary and community care provision
  • Staff of energy suppliers
  • Staff, including teachers and early years workers, providing childcare and learning for other key workers and staff who support school buildings

Category 2

Please note that the first presumption is that staff who can work from home will work from home

  • All other health and care workers including home support staff and care home staff
  • Emergency services staff, including police, fire and rescue, prison officers
  • Military personnel
  • Social workers
  • Homelessness staff

Those supporting critical national infrastructure including:

  • Staff keeping air, water, road and rail passenger transport operating
  • Oil, gas, electricity and water and sewerage workers
  • Logistics staff including drivers and transport workers
  • Food and other necessary goods staff including food production, processing, distribution, sale, delivery as well as those essential to the provision of hygienic and veterinary medicines
  • Staff in essential financial service provision including: banks, building societies and financial market infrastructure; IT and data infrastructure; postal services; civil nuclear, chemicals and telecommunications; payment providers; waste disposal.
  • Journalists and broadcasters

Category 3

Other council and associated staff in the following categories. Please note that the first presumption is that staff who can work from home will work from home

  • Strategic-level management and support staff
  • Waste services staff
  • Fleet services staff
  • Cemeteries staff
  • Property repairs and maintenance staff including frontline workers of Mears and Saltire
  • Roads and lighting maintenance staff including staff of Amey
  • Facility support services including cleaning, catering, school crossing patrollers and janitorial staff
  • Essential human resources staff including payroll and employee service centre
  • Essential IT staff
  • Essential communications staff
  • Essential finance staff including welfare, revenue and benefits staff and municipal bank staff
  • Registration staff
  • Essential legal services
  • Psychological services staff
  • Protective services staff

Letter 22nd March 2020

Dear Parent/Carer,

The Scottish Government has now made a statement to say that S4-6 pupils should not be attending schools in order to complete coursework or assignments. If work can be completed remotely this will happen. For anything else, we await advice from SQA.

NLC also tweeted recently to say that ‘schools are only open to children of key workers to enable them to keep doing their essential roles. Only use school support if you need to. if you have a partner who is not a key worker, then please keep your child at home.’

We will continue to update you on the app and by email. If you are not already following our temporary Twitter account, please do so @tempolhs.

Stay safe and take care.

North Lanarkshire families and carers asked to help with recently discharged hospital patients

Posted by NLC, 20th March 2020

People in North Lanarkshire are being asked to help where possible if a loved one, friend or someone they care for has recently been discharged from hospital

Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire (HSCNL) is currently working to ensure patients whose discharge has been delayed are able to leave its hospitals as soon as they are medically fit to do so. The objective is to minimise their potential exposure to Coronaviris (COVID-19) and create vital capacity.

The call comes as COVID-19 is presenting Care at Home services in the area with increasingly significant capacity challenges. Families and carers of those currently in receipt of home care are also being asked to help. Tasks may include dressing, cleaning and cooking.

Ross McGuffie, chief officer, HSCNL, said: “Our partnership with people in communities is as crucial as it’s ever been as unprecedented demand on our workforce becomes increasingly pronounced.

“To help us reduce this strain and focus on the most medically unwell, we are asking for the public’s help, for family, carers and friends of someone in need of care at home to help out where possible and safe to do so.”

Pressures on Care at Home services

Ross also highlighted the current pressures on Care at Home services and underlined how members of the public can assist.

He said: “We are prioritising Care at Home services for the most vulnerable on their discharge from hospital and those with existing packages of care.

“We are therefore asking people to be mindful that you may now be contacted by our staff and asked to care for a family member or friend. If you are approached I would urge you to think about how you can help using a common sense approach.

“It is clear now that we face a challenge which we have not seen before in our lifetimes. Our overriding objective is about protecting and saving lives.We are hugely grateful for the support of communities, working together with us.”

How you can help

A simple to follow checklist has been developed to ensure people can safely help loved ones:

  • DO make sure you’re well before lending assistance, especially to an older person.
  • DO self-isolate if you’re experiencing any symptoms of Coronavirus Covid-19 and look after yourself.
  • DO consider others in your family or neighbourhood network who could offer helpif you’re self-isolating.
  • DO phone a member of your care team immediately if you or a family member is in receipt of Care at Home Services and have symptoms. This will allow us to take steps protect the health of our workforce, and help reduce the potential spread of the virus to other service users.

More information on COVID-19 can be found at: https://www.nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/novel-corona-virus-covid-19/


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