Religious observance

Rev. Father Christopher Morris is our School Chaplain.

He celebrates Holy Mass in the school War Memorial Chapel. He is available to staff and pupils when in the school and contributes to the planning and delivery of the school’s Religious Education Programme and all spiritual, liturgical and fund-raising activities organised in the school.

With the co-operation of local clergy, Father Christopher is able to provide for the celebration of Mass on Holidays of Obligation and occasions special to the school. The Chaplain is assisted in his work by an active and enthusiastic School Chaplaincy Team that contains both staff and pupil members.

Non-Catholic observance

Parents/guardians from ethnic minority communities may request that their children be permitted to be absent from school in order to celebrate recognised religious events. Only written requests will be considered. Appropriate requests will be granted on not more than three occasions in any one school session and the pupil noted as an authorised absence in the register.

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