
Mission Statement


To prosper as a Christian community of learning, providing effective education to meet the individual needs of all members of our community.

We aim to make progress as a school by:

  • promoting the full intellectual, social and spiritual development of our pupils
  • encouraging commitment to learning, providing a full range of quality teaching programmes and services, creating the conditions for sound learning and ensuring equality of opportunity
  • respecting and valuing all members of the school community and being a place where they feel accepted, secure and motivated to develop themselves to the full
  • continuing the work begun at home, and in the Primary School, of helping our young people to develop a mature faith which helps them to find meaning in their lives
  • ensuring that Christian principles and values permeate all aspects of the school, and giving Christian witness through our care and concern for each other, our generosity and service to those in need and the quality of relationships we seek to encourage
  • celebrating our Catholic identity in prayer and worship
  • forging strong links with parents, encouraging their active involvement in the education of their children
  • developing close working links with the local community, sharing expertise and resources for our mutual benefit
  • ensuring that the affairs of the school are conducted in a manner which commands respect, is professionally responsible and allows for continuous development


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