All posts by Mr Winning

S2 and S3 in Social Subjects

S2 and S3 in Social Subjects

S2 had a fantastic trip to Dynamic Earth and the Scottish Parliament. They were given a tour of the parliament building by Miss Ruddy and visited the Debating Chamber.

In Dynamic Earth, they had a memorable trip on a time machine travelling through different climate regions. They also enjoyed a Dome Show about the new space station.

S3 learned about Malawi including some of the issues facing young people such as malaria and malnourishment. Each class was asked to design a campaign to sell 90kg rice.

The money raised from the sale of the rice will pay for a child in Malawi to be educated for a year. The winning class was 3s2.


S3 Developing the Young Workforce

S3 Pupils participated in a Developing Young Workforce day which focused on a variety of skills and tasks which will help prepare learners for the world of work.

They undertook activities such as creating a job specification and interviewing each other for particular jobs.

They also tested their leadership and teambuilding skills by completing a blind obstacle course and thought about their own skills when creating a 3D CV.

The pupils participated fully and embraced each task with enthusiasm. Well done to everyone involved.

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S1 and S3 at Blair Drummond Safari Park

S1 Science pupils had a wonderful time at Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park. Pupils had a fantastic day which included a bus tour through the park to view the different animal species, a boat trip around Chimp Island and a chance to watch the Sea Lion show.

S3 Biology pupils also visited the park and their trip included a guided walk by a member of the education team to learn about animal adaptations.

S3 Bio

S2 in Mathematics

S2 had a day of educational board games, and were able to use their Numeracy and Literacy skills, as well as team-work and communication.

Some of the games many of the pupils had never played before. Great fun was had by all!

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S1 in Technical – Designing a t-shirt

The S1 Deeper Learning tasks opened up with teams researching an individual Olympic year before gathering images of the medals, the flag, the country’s outline, the Olympic symbol for that year’s games and a phrase in the language of that country.

Pupils then used the images they had found to design a t-shirt for the Rio Games for their country’s team or supporters to wear. The pictures show their fantastic achievements and eye catching designs!

Tech Rio

S2 in Technical – Building a Bridge

As part of Deeper Learning Week, S2 pupils were given a team challenge in the Technical Department, which involved designing and building a bridge to transport a car over a set span….using only one cardboard box, tape and most importantly teamwork!

Most were a great success and more importantly all the pupils enjoyed the activity and had lots of fun whilst developing their team building and creativity skills at the same time.

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Malawi 2016

The Malawi Committee would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ for all your support in terms of donations for the upcoming trip. We have received a fantastic collection of baby clothes and items which will be most welcomed at the maternity unit at the local community hospital. We are now shifting focus and are collecting the following items; pens, pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, jotters, rulers, coloured pens/pencils, balloons, bubbles, old football tops, small sports gear – tennis balls, table tennis bats/balls, badminton racquets/shuttlecocks, plastic mugs, flip flops and any unwanted electronics. These can be handed into the school office or directly to Mr Dickson, Mr Maxwell or Mrs Forrester.

A blog about the trip can be found by clicking this link:

Online Payments

From August 2016, online payments are being introduced to provide parents/carers with more convenient and flexible methods of payment for school expenses.  To access this payment system please click on the link on the left hand side of this page.

Last day for S6!

On Thursday 28 April S6 students came together to celebrate the end of thirteen years of schooling.  There were tears and laughter as the young people reminisced about their time in Our Lady’s High School.

The day started with an Awards’ Ceremony followed by a coffee morning for staff and S6 pupils. Father McKay and Father Campbell concelebrated a beautiful Mass and the day ended with an afternoon at the bowling.

We look forward to seeing our S6 at the Prom on 10 June.



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