Visitors from China

Visitors from China

On Monday 20th August we were fortunate to have a visit from our partner school Tianjin High School in China. 47 pupils and staff travelled to Cumbernauld at the end of their UK trip to visit our pupils and staff. Our senior pupils, who visited China Tianjin High School during the summer immersion, were thrilled to meet up with friends! Pupils visited classes and even participated in a few lessons!

Pupils from China and our pupils enjoyed a traditional Scottish meal of haggis, neeps and tatties together before they set off! This visit undoubtedly strengthened our links with our partner school and we know pupils will certainly keep in touch with their new friends!

The Modern Languages Department have embraced the 21st Century and now have a Twitter account! Please follow us @OLHSModLangs to keep up to date with what’s going on!

China Visit