Maths Week Scotland 2017: 11-15 September

Maths Week Scotland 2017: 11-15 September

Our pupils and staff were celebrating all things mathematical as part of this national initiative. This included:

Higher Maths Inter-Authority Student Conference

The Maths department were delighted to plan and host this event which included students and staff representing 6 local authorities: St Thomas Aquinas Secondary (Glasgow), Dumfries Academy (Dumfries and Galloway), Douglas Academy (East Dumbartonshire), St Benedict’s High (Renfrewshire), St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High (South Lanarkshire). This event enabled students and staff to share their experiences of their mathematical journey so far – the challenges and support as well as sharing top tips for success.

We were also joined by Craig Spence from Skills Development Scotland, who gave an inspiring presentation on the diverse range of career pathways beyond school for our young mathematicians.

Students then participated in a workshop, delivered by University of Strathclyde post-graduate students, on the use of Mathematics in the control of infectious diseases.

Our guests left with a Maths goody bag, which included Maths Week cupcakes specially designed and made by our S6 Personal Development pupils.

Advanced Higher Mathematics Students at St Joseph’s Primary

Our AH students were delighted to be invited by University of Strathclyde to work with their post-graduate students to deliver workshops with pupils at St Joseph’s Primary School.

University of Glasgow Workshop

Our Higher maths students worked with Dr Alan Logan from Glasgow University, investigating Mathematics and cryptology.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this successful week of Mathematical celebrations!

math con sept 17

math st J sept 17