
Welcome to our Community

Thank you for visiting our website and taking an interest in our Community

We are still living with mitigations in terms of covid-19 but it does not change the fact that the school is a happy, vibrant place.  We are very proud of our pupils and staff who have shown great resilience.

In September, our School Chaplain,  Canon Harry McKay offered Mass which was concelebrated by Fr. John Campbell, Fr. O’Brien and Fr. Rooney to celebrate Our Lady’s Feast day with a small number of S1 pupils and our S6 House Ambassadors.  This was a very special occasion and it was lovely to have our school chaplain and local priests with us on this day.

Face to face learning and teaching is what we all want and our classrooms are alive.  Staff have been reminding pupils about Microsoft Teams in the event that we need to resort to a blended learning programme in the future.

We thank Our Lady for keeping our community safe and pray that we are moving towards brighter times for everyone.

Mrs Cunningham, Head Teacher

Feast Day
