Spotlight on Literacy Week

Spotlight on Literacy Week

The main aims of the week were to focus on literacy, particularly reading, and all of the good practice we already have in Our Lady’s. Staff had ‘What I’m reading’ posters on their doors and sent ‘Shelfie’ pictures in for display. We had ‘Read a book week’ in English and in other classes too, where pupils in S1-3 got to read a book of their choice and hear readings from their teachers’ favourites.

S1 ICT classes did ‘All About Me’ presentations, linking the talking and presentation skills to literacy. In S3/4/5 Administration & IT they were all working on spreadsheets/word processing with an emphasis on the importance of proof reading and presentation so that they were suitable for any document or audience. Also, in S5/6 Business Management and Computing Science, pupils researched an entrepreneur or computing programmer they admired and used the research to create a biography. In Art, S1 pupils read from Theresa Breslin’s ‘Scottish Folk Tales’ and drew beautiful illustrations to match.

At lunchtime on Wednesday, it was ‘Storytime in the library’ where a number of teachers spoke about and read from books that meant something to them. Finally, on Friday and to round the week off, we had the ‘S1 Book Quiz’ where teams from every class in S1 (joined by staff from different departments) battled it out to see who had the supreme knowledge of books! The week was a tremendous success thanks to the enthusiasm of both staff and pupils.
