Girls in Sport

Girls in Sport

The PE department are really impressed with the high numbers of girls participating in extra curricular sport this term. We are delighted for the girls who have won competitions, medals and trophies in handball and netball but it’s more important to us that girls are active and enjoying activities. A huge part of this success is down to the commitment of our sports leaders.

Netball – Having worked with players from the Sirens netball team for the past 6 weeks, some of our S2 girls’ competed in the North Lanarkshire Sirens for Success Festival. All girls had an amazing attitude during the festival. It was great to see these girls thriving in a competitive situation. One of our two teams came first and the other came third in the competition. Aynjil Whitelaw also won Most Valuable Player of the Tournament. Congratulations!

As a result of this experience many of the girls are joining the after school netball team with Miss McGinn or the local netball team who train at the Tryst on a Monday evening.

Handball – Our S1-3 girls won the Scottish Handball Tournament at Ravenscraig Sport Centre for the second year running.

Gymnastics – All S1 pupils have been participating in Gymnastics this term. We have witnessed some very resilient young people.

Lunch time gymnastics is open to all S1-3 pupils on a Tuesday at lunch time and has been a great success. Girls are gaining confidence as well as new skills each week. A huge thanks to Cara, Chloe and Abbi, our senior leaders who organise the lunch session.

Dance – After school dance club on a Wednesday is a real pleasure to watch. Our senior girls who lead the session have shown amazing commitment, communication and sensitivity which has ensured that the S1 and S2 girls have returned each week with a smile on their face. The club is open to all ability levels.

Netball Sirens

Netball TrainingHandball Team

