European Day of Languages

European Day of Languages

To mark European Day of Languages 2018, pupils have been involved in a broad range of activities within the department. S1 pupils were creative and produced their European passports. S2 pupils worked together on a quiz testing and expanding their knowledge on Europe! Senior pupils developed their listening skills and cultural understanding and were treated to a foreign film afternoon! In addition, throughout the week, all pupils studied and analysed a wide array of jobs that require a language and have looked at the importance of modern languages in the work place.

On Wednesday 26th of September our S3 pupils took part in a Modern Languages Careers Event. We welcomed to the school visitors from HSBC, Tesco, SCILT, Aberlour Children’s Charity and TBR Global. Each company presented their business to pupils and explained how languages fit into their companies and the importance of language learning for the 21st century workplace. Pupils then had the opportunity to visit each company and ask questions to obtain more information on the companies; the languages they use; the skills required for that particular industry etc. The feedback from pupils was very positive with many pupils realising the importance of having a language to increase employability chances. Our visitors were extremely impressed with our young people and have offered to return to deliver further workshops in the future!


Modern languages