Celebrating 50 Years

Celebrating 50 Years

On August 22nd 1968, Mr Peter Craigen, the school’s first Rector, recorded the following in the Head Teacher’s Log :

“The school opened today for the first time under exceptionally difficult circumstances with lack of available accommodation, lack of furniture and indeed we shall be fortunate if the complete accomodation is in use by December. Despite the difficulties pupils and staff were in good heart and prepared to make light of the difficulties”. Clearly it was not plain sailing back in 1968 !

In January 1969 the school reopened after the Christmas holidays “despite inclement weather – snow and frost” …. some things never change !

Our school was formally opened on Thursday 22nd May 1969 by the Archbishop of Glasgow, with Mr Robert Kennedy, Convenor of Education, presiding. Others on the presentation platform were the County Convenor, Mr Scott, Dame Jean Roberts, Provost Murray, Director of Education Mr Cameron, Chief District Inspector Mr Morrison and the architect, Mr J Coia.

Since our opening in 1968, Our Lady’s High School has served the children and families of Cumbernauld, growing as the town has grown itself. We look forward to the next 50 years being as enjoyable and successful as the first 50.

Log Book