Parent Council AGM

Parent Council AGM

Our Lady’s High School Parent Council will hold their AGM on Monday 17th September at 7pm in the school library. Each school has a Parent Council in accordance with the Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006. Its objectives are to:

  • Promote partnership between the school, its pupils, all parents and the Catholic Church, to ensure all pupils develop their full potential in the service of God and others
  • To work in partnership with the school to create a welcoming school, which is inclusive for all parents/carers
  • To promote partnership between the school, its pupils and all parents/carers
  • To develop and engage in activities which support the education and welfare of the pupils
  • To identify and represent the views of parents/carers on the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the pupils

In practice, the Parent Council organise various fundraising events, provide parental views on pertinent matters and support the Head Teacher to take the school forward.

There are presently a number of vacancies on our Parent Council. Parents/guardians of pupils at the school are automatically members of the Parent Forum, and therefoe entitled to put themselves forward for membership of the Parent Council.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Parent Council, please notify the school on:

Please note that if the number of interested parents exceeds the number of places available then members will be decided by the drawing of lots.