Titanic Experience – Belfast

Titanic Experience – Belfast

Our first ever Family Launch Evening took place on Monday 15 May to formally kick off our Belfast Experience. This allowed all parents/carers of the 31 pupils participating on the trip to receive information and to participate in various activities relating to the Titanic, including a STEM Activity, as well as investigating and researching. The evening was a resounding success with fantastic feedback received.

The Trip to Belfast took place on Tuesday 22 May leaving Our Lady’s at 7.30 am and returning at 12.30 am the next morning. The trip consisted of travelling to Cairnryan, hopping on the ferry to Belfast and then visiting the Titanic Exhibition and HMS Caroline. It was a phenomenal day with pupils’ behaviour, attitude, etc outstanding!! The pupils were a credit to their families.

To complete our Belfast experience, we had a Family Presentation Evening on Tuesday 29 May for all pupils and members of their families. This consisted of pupils in their groups presenting their experiences of the Belfast Trip. This included powerpoints, photographs and personal experiences. The evening, again was a resounding success with fantastic feedback received.

Titanic Family Launch Event

Titanic Trip

Titanic Presentations