Faith into Action – A Pupil Perspective

Faith into Action – A Pupil Perspective

One of our S6 pupils, Emma Hay, showed exemplary solidarity with her neighbour through her work in her Caritas class with SCIAF and realised this in her own time and in her parish. Emma decided to prepare a speech and deliver it to all Masses in her parish over a weekend to sell Real Gifts for SCIAF, a charity close to her heart. She raised a grand total of £683.35.

“Working alongside SCIAF in the Caritas journey was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It gave me an opportunity to do something and achieve something I never thought I could. I made a small difference with high impact in our world. My research and time spent on my SCIAF project opened my eyes to true suffering in our world. The unfortunate conditions some children must live through, conditions I myself will never even begin to imagine. It lit a fire in myself I have never had before, a fire that burned with the intention of change. If I could help even one small child in Africa, Asia or South America, someone out there, miles and miles away will know that I care. That I, an unknown person loves them just as much as I love my siblings and friends…….I have decided that after High School I do not want my charity work to end.” Emma Hay.
