P7 Transition Project

P7 Transition Project

On Tuesday the 13 June 2017, we were joined by our six cluster primaries to showcase the P7 Transition Project, “Safe Use of Social Media.” All Primary Schools presented a powerpoint presentation on particular aspects of social media and its safe use.
Each school was responsible for creating a particular element of a campaign, including, TV and Radio Adverts, Posters and Websites and Podcasts. Pupils were supported in this by Sky Academy, City of Glasgow College and staff at Our Lady’s.
This project also tied in with our DYW agenda, with pupils identifying skills linked to the world of work. Our Transition Project has been recognised by NLC, winning an Excellence and Equity Award along with First Prize in the Community Education Awards. Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and we look forward to continuing with this theme within S1 Health and Wellbeing.

transition project