School Improvement

Our priorities for session 2024/25

Clyde Valley Cluster Priorities – By June 2025 we aim to provide increased equity for all learners by ensuring wellbeing needs are met, by closing the attainment gap in Literacy with a focus on Writing and by improving attendance and engagement. Work will focus on targeted C&YP who have been identified through attainment data, attendance data and wellbeing meetings. · Focused moderation activities and a consistent approach to the NLC progression pathways will improve attainment in Writing by May 2025, as evidenced in P1,4, 7 & S3 Writing ACEL data. ·
By June 2025, through improved attendance practices at both school and cluster level, and supports offered at both universal and additional levels, average attendance in all schools across the cluster will show improvement. ·
By June 2025 HWB preventative interventions will be implemented for children and young people who have been identified through wellbeing meetings as requiring additional support. Their wellbeing will show improvement on a graded scale from their initial baseline. Almost all will be achieving their targets as assessed through Outcome Star
By the June 2025, all school staff will have an increased knowledge of their corporate parenting responsibilities and almost all schools will have achieved the national Keeping the Promise Award (We Promise level) having a positive impact on GIRFEC Planning.

Priority 1:  By June 2025, we aim to provide increased consistency in learning experience for all learners through increased focus on Learning, Teaching and Assessment. Through an increased focus and consistent approach to writing there will be an improvement in attainment in writing as evidenced in P1,4&7 ACEL data.

Priority 2: By June 2025, improved Health and wellbeing through increased family engagement opportunities and supports at both Universal and Additional levels, average attendance will increase by 1.5%.


A copy of the school’s Improvement Plan and Improvement Report are available by request from the Head Teacher. A summary of the Improvement Report is issued annually to all parents.

Information about the progress of our Improvement Plan is discussed at monthly Parent Council Meetings and through our monthly newsletters.

Education Scotland: Further information regarding the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence and learning and teaching can be obtained from

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