Mrs N’s Notes, 17.2.23

HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW SIGNS? New signs have appeared, further explaining the restrictions applied to our single yellow lines.  I know many had questions regarding when they would be enforced, so I hope this clears things up.  Please adhere to these rules, helping us keep your child safe. While the nursery renovations are going on there will be more traffic using our Old Monkland Road entrances, so please walk

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Mrs N’s Notes, 10.2.23

Week 3 menu coming up, but remember we’re off until Thursday! HOLIDAY WEEKEND COMING UP! Remember school and nursery will both be closed now until Thursday 16th February for our mid term holiday. NURSERY REFURBISHMENT Way back in March 2020 we were all set for a big paint job to be completed in our Nursery.  Of course, no one predicted what the next few years would look like… but here

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Mrs N’s Notes, 3.2.23

Week 2 Menus coming up in both the school and nursery. Slight change of menu for Monday 6th Feb. Instead of cheese toastie & beans, we will have toast and beans. Remember Breakfast Club is open in school from 8.15am each morning.  No need to book.  P.1-5 pupils will receive a free breakfast.  For our older pupils, money should be added to their cards BEFORE they eat. SPONSORED NETBALL SHOOT

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Mrs N’s Notes, 27.1.23

Week 1 Menus for the week ahead. BREAKFAST CLUB Please remember that Breakfast Club opens at 8.15am each morning, with food served until 8.45am.  Mrs Stewart organises games and crafts which keep everyone engaged until 9am. There is no need to book.  Everyone is welcome.  Pupils from P.1-P.5 receive a free breakfast, while P.6 & 7 pupils will require money added to their card to cover this. Anyone wishing to

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Mrs N’s Notes, 20.1.23

Week 3 menus coming up: We have a few menu changes you should take note of next week: On Tuesday, Roast Beef will replace Lasagne.  On Wednesday  we have a Scottish Theme Day: Red Band – Haggis and potatoes Green Band – Vegetarian Haggis and potatoes Soup, sandwiches and baked potatoes as normal. CHRISTMAS MARKET UPDATE Once again, I must thank everyone who was involved in making our Christmas Market

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Mrs N’s Notes, 13.1.23

Happy New Year from everyone in Kirkshaws! Looking ahead to next week, we will be working from Week 2 menus. Please remember that pupils who pay for lunches should have money added to their card BEFORE they order a lunch.  As always, we will never let a child go hungry, however some families are running up a considerable bill with our catering staff and this needs to be paid off

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Mrs N’s Notes, 22.12.22

Remember that school finishes today at 2.30pm.  Our nursery remains open until the usual time, but if families need to collect siblings earlier this can be arranged directly with the nursery staff. BEST WISHES THIS CHRISTMAS TIME Thank you to everyone in our school community for your continued support throughout 2022.  We have faced highs and lows, shared laughter and tears, but come out of it stronger as a team.

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Mrs N’s Notes, 16.12.22

Week 3 lunch menus coming up, but please note there are some changes! TUESDAY – Instead of lasagne, we will be having chicken tandoori bites. THURSDAY – No hot meals today, only Pack-a-Snacks.  Of course, pupils can bring their own packed lunch if they prefer. CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERTS We are now sold out for our 3 performances next week.  We look forward to seeing you all on Monday afternoon, as

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Mrs N’s Notes, 9.12.22

Week 2 menus coming up, but remember there is a big change on Wednesday! We will be having our CHRISTMAS DINNER! If you haven’t ordered your lunch already you should remember to bring a packed lunch that day. CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT We are practising hard for our Christmas Carol Concert that will be held on 19th, 20th & 21st December.  All families are invited to buy 2 tickets, however ALL

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Mrs N’s Notes, 2.12.22

Week 1 Menus for the week ahead in both school and nursery: We have a number of pupils in school who are running up a bill in the dinner hall.  We will never let a child go hungry, but funds should be added to a child’s lunch card BEFORE they eat.  Please check your child’s account regularly to ensure they have enough money available to last the week. Remember you

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