Coatbridge High is a Nut Free Building
At Coatbridge High School we aim to be a nut free zone. This is to protect pupils and staff who may have nut allergies.
Can we ask that you are vigilant about packed lunches, sweets etc and ensure that no nuts come on to the school grounds.
Please do not send your child into school with any nut-based product for a snack or packed lunch – this includes:
Nutella based products / chocolate spread
Cereal bars with nuts
Some types of biscuit containing nuts
Condiments, e.g. satay sauce
Cakes containing nuts
Some snack pots containing nuts
It is important that you check the labelling of food products before sending your child in to school with them – it is not always apparent that products contain nuts or traces of nuts.
We appreciate your support on this matter.
S2 Options Booklet
School College Partnership Courses Booklet
Senior Phase Subject Booklet
Senior Phase Subject Booklet 25-26
School Handbook
S2 Options Booklet
Progression Pathways Information Evening 23rd January
Our Progression Pathways Information evening takes place on Thursday 23rd January at 4pm. There will be a presentation in the hall for parents of S2 pupils at 4pm followed by a chance to speak to subject teachers in the canteen area. For parents of S4/5 pupils they can attend at 4pm to speak to subject staff and their presentation will then be at 4.30pm including information about the college courses from New College Lanarkshire which are on offer to pupils in S5/6.