Mrs N’s Notes, 26.6.24

Well, for the last time, I would like to thank you for all your support and partnership over the past 7 years. This past week has been a blur, with surprises galore!  And I am overwhelmed by it all.  I count myself privileged to have known you and worked with you and your family.  My time at Kirkshaws will remain most special to me, and I’ll continue to tell everyone

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Mrs N’s Notes, 21.06.24

Please note there has been a change to the menus next week.  A letter came home to all pupils in the school on Wednesday of this week detailing this.  If your child wishes to purchase a school packed lunch (Pack-a-Snack) on Wednesday they should have returned a tear-off slip by today to order this.  If pupils have not ordered a school lunch for Wednesday they should bring a packed lunch

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Mrs N’s Notes, 14.6.24

Week 1 menu coming up.  Please remember to keep adding funds to  your child’s iPayment card if you pay for lunches or breakfasts. NEW CLASSES FOR AUGUST All pupils are bringing home letters regarding new classes for August.  In most cases we have been able to tell you who the class teacher will be after the holidays.  However, in one case, we are still awaiting confirmation of who the teacher

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Mrs N’s Notes, 7.6.24

The BIG NEWS this week is that our new Head Teacher has been appointed.  Ms Megan McCrossan will take over as HT in Kirkshaws from August 2024.  A letter from NLC was sent to all families, by email, earlier this week with this information.  As you can imagine, this is a very emotional time for me as I part from pupils, families and colleagues I have grown to love, but

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Mrs N’s Notes, 31.5.24

One change to note for our menu next week… there will be a swap between Monday and Wednesday in both the school and nursery. SUMMER DISCO NIGHT! We are all excited about our Summer Discos coming up.  As always, many thanks to our Parent Council for organising these.  Once again, our P.7 pupils are going to be treated with a VIP event, as you can see below… Tickets will go

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Mrs N’s Notes, 23.5.24

Please remember we are not at school or nursery tomorrow or Monday.  We will return at the usual times on Tuesday 28th May, after the local holiday. Week 1 menu ahead!   PARENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS Huge thanks to all families who took time to share your views on our latest questionnaire.  You can see all results here: Parent Survey Results: May 2024 PRIMARY 1 INDUCTION VISITS We had a lovely

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Mrs N’s Notes, 17.5.24

Week 3 menus ahead.  Please remember that P.6 & 7 pupils do not automatically receive a free school meal.  All meals should be payed online before your child purchases their breakfast or lunch. PRIMARY 1 INDUCTION We look forward to welcoming our new Primary 1 pupils to join us on Monday afternoon, 20.5.24.  All families should enter through the main school doors.  If your child is at our own nursery

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Mrs N’s Notes, 10.5.24

Week 2 menus coming up. REPORTING PROGRESS IN OUR NURSERY Nursery reports will be coming home next week.  Key Workers will arrange individual times to meet with families over the next few weeks to discuss individual progress and next steps.  We do not use the parent meeting online booking system for our nursery class, this is just for classes in the school. SCHOOL PARENTS’ NIGHT As you know, the booking

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Mrs N’s Notes, 3.5.24

Many thanks to everyone who took part in our recent Spring Clean of the local area.  As we shared with you last week, 34 full bags of rubbish were collected/ Week 1 menus coming up.  Remember, we are not at school on Monday as it is the May holiday weekend. HEALTH WEEK Information was sent home this week regarding our plans for Health Week. We look forward to welcoming many

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Mrs N’s Notes, 26.4.24

See next week’s menus above.  Remember school and nursery are both closed to pupils on Thursday as it is an in-service training day across NLC. BIG SPRING CLEAN LITTER PICK Huge thanks to all family members who accompanied us on our local walks throughout this week.  You will be amazed to hear that we collected 34 full bags of rubbish.  These were disposed of today, thanks to Cllr Woods. FUNDRAISING

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