Mrs N’s Notes, 26.6.24

Well, for the last time, I would like to thank you for all your support and partnership over the past 7 years.

This past week has been a blur, with surprises galore!  And I am overwhelmed by it all.  I count myself privileged to have known you and worked with you and your family.  My time at Kirkshaws will remain most special to me, and I’ll continue to tell everyone I’m proud to have worked in the Happiest School on Earth!

I have said many times that our school staff do not expect gifts, but you have blown me away with the number of cards, drawings, crafts and presents I have received.  Up until yesterday, I was trying to keep on top of individual thanks to each child and family, but I’m afraid I’ll just not get around you all in time today.  Please accept my thanks and appreciation for EVERYTHING! I will visit every class today with the same message, but would like you to know how much all these things mean to me.

Today will see me leaving alongside our P.7 pupils, but I’m not the only one to be moving on this summer.

Miss Reilly and Miss Fraser in our nursery will both be starting new roles in new nurseries in August.  We are delighted that these ladies are taking this next step in their career, and as much as we will miss them, we wish them well in their promotions.  Miss Ormond also left us last week, and she too is looking forward to starting in a new nursery soon.

In the school, a number of teachers will be leaving us.   Our loss is definitely a gain for their respective new schools when Miss Brownlie, Miss Ashton and Mrs Coventry move on to other NLC schools next session.

In addition, we learned this week that Mr Sharp has been successful at interview and has been given the opportunity to take on the role of Acting Head Teacher at Bargeddie Primary School.  We know how much enthusiasm, care and expertise Mr Sharp has shown here at Kirkshaws, so we are 100% confident he will be fabulous in his new job in August.  This is a temporary position, with no known end date, so we are saying, “Goodbye for now, we will miss you!”


School closes at 1.00pm today.  Your child can choose to eat in school at midday or go home for lunch at 1pm when we finish.  If any pupils want a school packed lunch, this should have been ordered last week.  Pupils are obviously welcome to bring their own packed lunch too.

The nursery will officially close at the normal time of 2.50pm today, but if any families would like to collect younger siblings earlier, just speak to the nursery staff and they will make a plan to suit you.


Ms McCrossan has prepared a letter for all families.  This will also be shared by email today.

So, until we meet again…
Mrs N xxx

Mrs N’s Notes, 21.06.24

Please note there has been a change to the menus next week.  A letter came home to all pupils in the school on Wednesday of this week detailing this.  If your child wishes to purchase a school packed lunch (Pack-a-Snack) on Wednesday they should have returned a tear-off slip by today to order this.  If pupils have not ordered a school lunch for Wednesday they should bring a packed lunch from home, or wait and eat at home when school closes at 1pm.

Menu for next week:

Monday –
red – hotdogs (hotdog buns with sausages)
green – veg sausage hotdogs
baked potato and ham/cheese sandwiches still available
Tuesday –
tomato pasta & garlic bread & sweetcorn
baked potato and cheese/chicken sandwiches still available
Wednesday –
Pack-a-snacks only (ham, cheese or chicken)
Many thanks to everyone who took part in our Smarties Fundraiser in the Nursery.  Thanks to your generosity, we raised £225.67, which goes right back to buying those wee extras for your child.  What a team!
Thank you to everyone who attended our school performances over the past week.  I am so proud of every one of our pupils, from the youngest in our nursery, right up to our P.7s.  Every  one of them gave so much effort to shine and entertain a hall full of adults each time.  Absolute superstars, every one of them!
Huge thanks to everyone who played a part in the discos last night.  As I have said several times this week, these just wouldn’t happen without the effort, enthusiasm and support of a willing band of parents.  If you would like to see events like this continue, please reach out to a member of the Parent Council and let them know when you can help out in the future.
We had a ball!! (Adults too!)
(Photos coming soon!)
However, we still have one more major event coming up.  Our P.7 pupils are looking forward to welcoming their families to join us on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm.  Tissues at the ready…and I’m including myself in that!


24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (1.30pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)
Nursery will remain open until 2.50pm on 26th, however if any families want to collect pupils early that day, staff will work with you to accommodate specific requests.

Mrs N’s Notes, 14.6.24

Week 1 menu coming up.  Please remember to keep adding funds to  your child’s iPayment card if you pay for lunches or breakfasts.


All pupils are bringing home letters regarding new classes for August.  In most cases we have been able to tell you who the class teacher will be after the holidays.  However, in one case, we are still awaiting confirmation of who the teacher will be.  I will obviously update you as soon as this information is shared with me.

We are looking forward to having our MOVING UP afternoon next Tuesday, when all pupils will move to their new classrooms and, wherever possible, meet their new teachers.

Our new Head Teacher, Ms McCrossan, visited this week and she can’t wait to return on Tuesday and spend some more time with all classes.


We still have a few tickets left for both Monday (pm) and Tuesday (am) performances.  Contact the school office if you would like any more tickets.


Don’t forget our discos coming up next week.  Tickets will go on sale on Monday morning!


17 June – Disco tickets go on sale
17 June – School Show (P.1-P.7)  pm
18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) am
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day, ticket information has been issued (Doors open 1.15pm, Graduation 1.30pm)
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos & P.7 VIP Party (see posters above for details)
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (1.30pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)
Nursery will remain open until 2.50pm, however if any families want to collect pupils early that day, staff will work with you to accommodate specific requests.



Mrs N’s Notes, 7.6.24

The BIG NEWS this week is that our new Head Teacher has been appointed.  Ms Megan McCrossan will take over as HT in Kirkshaws from August 2024.  A letter from NLC was sent to all families, by email, earlier this week with this information.  As you can imagine, this is a very emotional time for me as I part from pupils, families and colleagues I have grown to love, but I wholeheartedly wish Ms McCrossan the very best in her new role and I can only hope she will be as happy in Kirkshaws as I have been over these past 7 years.


Please remember that our Breakfast Club serves food from 8.15am until 8.45am.  Any pupils arriving after this time cannot attend and they should make their way directly to the school playgrounds as they will not have time to be served and eat before school starts at 9am.


Your Parent Council held their AGM on Monday evening.  I am delighted that we have volunteers to take this forward into the next academic year.  Please remember that if you are a parent or carer in our school or nursery you are very welcome to join this group.  See their latest newsletter below for more details.

PC Newsletter 2024


Next week, we are inviting those new P.1 pupils who DO NOT attend Kirkshaws Nursery to come in for an extra story and play session.  Invitations were given out when we met last week.  Please come in through the main front entrance at 2.00pm on Tuesday afternoon.

We can’t wait to hear how our P.7 pupils got on at St Andrew’s High School this week.  Next week is the chance of Coatbridge High pupils to have their 2-day visit on Tuesday & Wednesday.  Don’t forget, there is also a parents information evening on Wednesday att he high school.  Due to space, this is limited to a maximum of 2 family members.

We look forward to welcoming our new Nursery pupils for a visit next week too.  We can’t wait to meet you all on Wednesday afternoon, between 3pm and 4pm.


I continue to monitor attendance across the school on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  At this time our whole school attendance for the year is sitting at 90.12%.  Although this is an improvement on last year, it is worth noting that one third of all pupils are still falling short of the 90% expectation set as the satisfactory level across the country.   I have sent letters home to all these families this week and thank you all for supporting me in this.  We really want all our pupils in school to ensure they are safe, included and achieving their full potential.

If you have already booked a family holiday for June, please send this information in, in writing, before you go.  We have spent considerable time this week trying to track down missing families.  Thank you.

I know it is June, but every day really does count.


10-11 June – School show tickets remain on sale (2 per family)
12 June – All remaining show tickets go on general sale (no limit)
11-12 June – 2 day visit to Coatbridge High School (P.7)
12 June – CHS Parents Information Evening, 6pm
12 June – Nursery Induction for new pupils, 3pm
17 June – Disco tickets go on sale
17 June – School Show (P.1-P.7)  pm
18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) am
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day, ticket information has been issued (Doors open 1.15pm, Graduation 1.30pm)
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos & P.7 VIP Party
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (1.30pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)
Wednesday 14th August – Pupils return after the summer holiday.

Mrs N’s Notes, 31.5.24

One change to note for our menu next week… there will be a swap between Monday and Wednesday in both the school and nursery.


We are all excited about our Summer Discos coming up.  As always, many thanks to our Parent Council for organising these.  Once again, our P.7 pupils are going to be treated with a VIP event, as you can see below…

Tickets will go on sale from Monday 17th June.


Pupils attending St Andrew’s High School will visit the school on Thursday and Friday next week.  Pupils will make their own way there and will be dismissed by high school staff at the end of their visit.  A Parents’ Information Meeting will be held in St Andrew’s HS on Monday 3 June, beginning at 4.30pm.

Coatbridge High School visits will take place the following week; 11 & 12 June.  Pupils should be at Kirkshaws promptly on these days, ready to be taken to the high school by coach.  Pupils will be brought back to Kirkshaws each day, in time to be dismissed as usual at 3pm.  Letters were sent out this week by email, with details of the 2-day visit and Parents’ Information Evening on 12 June at 6pm.

In both cases, pupils should wear their full Kirkshaws uniform for the visit and pack a PE kit, just in case PE appears on their timetable on these days.


We look forward to welcoming our new P.1 class back again on Monday 3 June at 10am, when you will have the chance to play AND have lunch together in the dinner hall!  All families should enter through the main school entrance.  Those children at Kirkshaws Nursery Class will be brought along to the P.1 classroom by nursery staff.  Parents should meet in the gym hall, as before.


Our next Parent Council AGM will be held on Monday 3 June at 7.00pm.  As usual, this will be a virtual meeting on WebEx.  If you would like to join the meeting, or would like to be more involved in the year ahead, please contact the school office, or a member of the Parent Council for more information.  If your child attends Kirkshaws Primary or Nursery you are a member of our Parent Forum and eligible to attend all meetings and be a part of the committee if you wish.


Mixed, unpredictable weather continues to be a daily occurrence and looks set to continue in the days ahead.  Please remember that outdoor learning occurs daily in both the school and nursery.  Please provide your child with a waterproof jacket if there is any risk of rain, and remember to apply sun cream before they leave home in the morning.


3 June – New P.1 Induction Day 2. (10am start, staying for lunch)
3 June – Parent Council AGM 7pm (WebEx)
3 June – St Andrew’s High School Parents Information Evening, 4.30pm
6-7 June – 2 day visit to St Andrew’s High School (P.7)
11-12 June – 2 day visit to Coatbridge High School (P.7)
12 June – CHS Parents Information Evening, 6pm
12 June – Nursery Induction for new pupils, 3pm
17 June – Disco tickets go on sale
17 June – School Show (P.1-P.7)  pm
18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) am
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day, ticket information has been issued (Doors open 1.15pm, Graduation 1.30pm)
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos & P.7 VIP Party
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (1.30pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)
Wednesday 14th August – Pupils return after the summer holiday.

Mrs N’s Notes, 23.5.24

Please remember we are not at school or nursery tomorrow or Monday.  We will return at the usual times on Tuesday 28th May, after the local holiday.

Week 1 menu ahead!



Huge thanks to all families who took time to share your views on our latest questionnaire.  You can see all results here:

Parent Survey Results: May 2024


We had a lovely time with our new P.1 pupils and their families on Monday.  We look forward to welcoming you all back again on Monday 3rd June, when you will have the chance to play AND have lunch together in the dinner hall!


Our next Parent Council AGM will be held on Monday 3rd June at 7.00pm.  This will be a virtual meeting on WebEx.  If you would like to join the meeting, or would like to be more involved in the year ahead, please contact the school office, or a member of the Parent Council for more information.  If your child attends Kirkshaws Primary or Nursery you are a member of our Parent Forum and eligible to attend all meetings and be a part of the committee if you wish.



24-27 May – Holiday Weekend
28 -31 May – P.7 outdoor week at Strathclyde Park
31 May – Room 2 trip to Summerlee
3 June – New P.1 Induction Day 2. (10am start, staying for lunch)
3 June – Parent Council AGM 7pm
3 June – St Andrew’s High School Parents Information Evening
6-7 June – 2 day visit to St Andrew’s High School (P.7)
11-12 June – 2 day visit to Coatbridge High School (P.7)
17 & 18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) more details about tickets coming home next week
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day, ticket information coming home next week
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (1.30pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)

Mrs N’s Notes, 17.5.24

Week 3 menus ahead.  Please remember that P.6 & 7 pupils do not automatically receive a free school meal.  All meals should be payed online before your child purchases their breakfast or lunch.


We look forward to welcoming our new Primary 1 pupils to join us on Monday afternoon, 20.5.24.  All families should enter through the main school doors.  If your child is at our own nursery that day, they will be brought around to Room 1 by our nursery staff.  All children will have the chance to play in class, while I run the adults through some important information for the year ahead.  The adults will meet in the gym at 2.00pm.  We will be finished by 2.45pm, allowing you time to collect any other children when they finish.


Our youngest learners are looking forward to performing for their families at their Graduation on the afternoon of 19th June.  Doors will open at 1.15pm, with the event kicking off properly at 1.30pm.  A letter is coming home on Monday with information about ticket sales.


If you’ve been keeping you eye on your Calendar of Events for the year, you will know we are planning our summer show on 17th & 18th June.  We will have an afternoon performance on 17th and a morning show on 18th.  As always, we will offer 2 tickets per family initially, with extra tickets available if we have any left over.  Please note, only P.1-7 will be performing on this occasion, as the nursery are entertaining their families at their Graduation on 19th.

Tickets will go on sale on Monday 3rd June, with extra tickets being available from Wednesday 12th June.  More information coming home next week.


As you know, our P.7 Leavers’ Assembly is scheduled for the afternoon of 24th June.  We will open the doors at 1.15pm, with the intention of starting at 1.30pm in the school hall.  An invitation from your own child will be coming home soon!  We look forward to welcoming many of you then.


Our next Parent Council AGM will be held on Monday 3rd June at 7.00pm.  This will be a virtual meeting on WebEx.  If you would like to join the meeting, or would like to be more involved in the year ahead, please contact the school office, or a member of the Parent Council for more information.  If your child attends Kirkshaws Primary or Nursery you are a member of our Parent Forum and eligible to attend all meetings and be a part of the committee if you wish.


Please remember that we would welcome any volunteers with a little bit of gardening knowledge to guide us in our growing project this summer.  You don’t need to be fit enough to kneel & dig – we’ll get our hands dirty if you can give us a little advice!  Please contact Mrs King if this is your thing!


It was lovely to see so many of you last night as we celebrated your child’s achievements over another year.  If you did not manage and would like to speak to your child’s teacher, please contact us and we can arrange something to suit.  We asked all parents to complete a short questionnaire last night.  If you weren’t there, or missed this opportunity, please see the link below.  This will remain open over the weekend.

Parents’ Survey May 2024


20 May – New P.1 Induction Day 1. (2pm-2.45pm)
21 May – P.6 trip to Hopetoun House
24-27 May – Holiday Weekend
28 -31 May – P.7 outdoor week at Strathclyde Park
31 May – Room 2 trip to Summerlee
3 June – New P.1 Induction Day 2. (10am start, staying for lunch)
3 June – Parent Council AGM 7pm
3 June – St Andrew’s High School Parents Information Evening
6-7 June – 2 day visit to St Andrew’s High School (P.7)
11-12 June – 2 day visit to Coatbridge High School (P.7)
17 & 18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) more details about tickets coming home next week
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day, ticket information coming home next week
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (1.30pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)

Mrs N’s Notes, 10.5.24

Week 2 menus coming up.


Nursery reports will be coming home next week.  Key Workers will arrange individual times to meet with families over the next few weeks to discuss individual progress and next steps.  We do not use the parent meeting online booking system for our nursery class, this is just for classes in the school.


As you know, the booking system will remain open over the weekend for our Parents’ Night scheduled for next Thursday, 16 May.  Information about this was sent home earlier this week.  If you are having any problems with this system, please call our school office staff.  They will be only too happy to help you.  I look forward to seeing many of you then.


It is that time of year again when we need to be ready for any type of weather.  Please remember that outdoor learning occurs daily in both the school and nursery.  Please provide your child with a waterproof jacket if there is any risk of rain, and remember to apply sun cream before they leave home in the morning if this spell of sunny weather continues!  (I do realise I’ve just jinxed it…sorry!)


I am delighted to share with you the news that Jude Johnstone Brownlie has arrived safe and well.  Both he and Miss Brownlie are thriving and enjoying this special time together.  She has asked me to pass on her appreciation of all the good wishes, cards and gifts they have received.  We can’t wait to welcome them into school over the next few weeks to allow everyone to meet him in person!


15 May – Room 5 trip to New Lanark
16 May – Parents’ Night
17 May – P.7 Bowling Trip
20 May – New P.1 Induction Day 1. (2pm)
21 May – P.6 trip to Hopetoun House
24-27 May – Holiday Weekend
28 -31 May – P.7 outdoor week at Strathclyde Park
31 May – Room 2 trip to Summerlee
3 June – New P.1 Induction Day 2. (10am, staying for lunch)
3 June – Parent Council AGM 7pm
3 June – St Andrew’s High School Parents Information Evening
6-7 June – 2 day visit to St Andrew’s High School (P.7)
11-12 June – 2 day visit to Coatbridge High School (P.7)
17 & 18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) more details coming soon
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – Close for summer (school closes at 1pm)

Mrs N’s Notes, 3.5.24

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Many thanks to everyone who took part in our recent Spring Clean of the local area.  As we shared with you last week, 34 full bags of rubbish were collected/

Week 1 menus coming up.  Remember, we are not at school on Monday as it is the May holiday weekend.


Information was sent home this week regarding our plans for Health Week.

We look forward to welcoming many of you to our School Sports Day on Thursday 9 May.  P.1-3 at 9.30am, and P.4-7 at 1.30pm.  If this cannot go ahead due to bad weather, we will aim for Friday instead.

Our Nursery Sports are scheduled for the afternoon of Wednesday 8 May.


We were delighted to work in partnership with HSBC bank this week, with Joan Sneddon delivering practical financial lessons at every stage.   We look forward to developing these lessons further in class over the coming weeks.


All new P1 pupils have now been invited to our induction visits on 20 May and 3 June.  We look forward to welcoming all our new families, and some old friends, on these 2 days.  If, for any reason, you have not received your invitation, please contact our school office as soon as possible.


6 May – Public holiday.  School & Nursery closed.
7-10 May – Health Week, including Sports Day
15 May – Room 5 trip to New Lanark
16 May – Parents’ Night (more info coming soon)
17 May – P.7 Bowling Trip
21 May – P.6 trip to Hopetoun House
24-27 May – Holiday Weekend
28 -31 May – P.7 outdoor week at Strathclyde Park
31 May – Room 2 trip to Summerlee
3 June – Parent Council AGM 7pm
3 June – St Andrew’s High School Parents Information Evening
6-7 June – 2 day visit to St Andrew’s High School (P.7)
11-12 June – 2 day visit to Coatbridge High School (P.7)
17 & 18 June – School Show (P.1-P.7) more details coming soon
19 June – Nursery Graduation & Fun Day
20 June – Parent Council Summer Discos
24 June – P.7 Leavers’ Assembly (pm)
25 June – P.7 Final Fling Fun Day
26 June – close for summer (school closes at 1pm)

Mrs N’s Notes, 26.4.24

See next week’s menus above.  Remember school and nursery are both closed to pupils on Thursday as it is an in-service training day across NLC.


Huge thanks to all family members who accompanied us on our local walks throughout this week.  You will be amazed to hear that we collected 34 full bags of rubbish.  These were disposed of today, thanks to Cllr Woods.


Many thanks to everyone who bought a ticket for our nursery raffle at Easter time.  You raised £153 which will go straight back to your children for treats, etc. this term.


Our next Parent Council meeting will be the AGM.  This will be held on Monday 3 June.  If you wish to attend please notify a member of the committee or the school office to receive an invitation to the virtual meeting (WebEx).

Please remember to continue to refer to your Calendar of Events that was issued to everyone in August.
2 May – In-service Day (pupils do not attend)
6 May – May Day holiday
7-10 May – Health Week, including Sports Day
15 May – Room 5 trip to New Lanark
16 May – Parents’ Night (more info coming soon)
17 May – P.7 Bowling Trip
21 May – P.6 trip to Hopetoun House
24-27 May – Holiday Weekend
28 -31 May – P.7 outdoor week at Strathclyde Park
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