Mrs N’s Notes, 27.1.23

Week 1 Menus for the week ahead.


Please remember that Breakfast Club opens at 8.15am each morning, with food served until 8.45am.  Mrs Stewart organises games and crafts which keep everyone engaged until 9am.

There is no need to book.  Everyone is welcome.  Pupils from P.1-P.5 receive a free breakfast, while P.6 & 7 pupils will require money added to their card to cover this.

Anyone wishing to attend should come in through the main school entrance.  If your child arrives early, they will be asked to wait outside the main door until 8.15am, when Mrs Stewart will come out to welcome them in.  Pupils can arrive at anytime between 8.15am and 8.45am.  They should come straight in the main door and make their way to the dinner hall.


Please remember that the STAFF CARPARK should not be used to drop off or pick-up at any time.  This is a dangerous area for pupils to be walking through at any time.  In addition, we have had staff members unable to access the carpark due to parents blocking the gates.  Please park on the road, outwith the yellow lines and zig-zags, keeping the front entrance clear and safer for all. Thank you.


We are delighted to be back in a position where we can send home additional reading materials with pupils.  Remember, our school lending library is open to all; please let the office know if you would like to visit with your child.

In P.1 we will once again be sending home Story Sacks each Friday.  These bags contain books, toys and games that can be shared with an adult at home.  It is not expected that P.1 pupils can read everything in these bags independently, but by exploring the contents with an adult or older child, a range of literacy skills will be developed, including listening and talking.  Full instructions are included.  Please take care to make sure all parts of the pack are returned to school so another family can enjoy it too.  Thank you.


P.6/5 enjoyed their visit to the Sky Academy this week.  They had the opportunity to investigate broadcasting as part of their digital technology curriculum.  We were delighted to share in their excitement as they were able to share their learning with us on their return.  What a treat for us at assembly to see them all in The Sky News studio!

As we look to the coming months, we will try to organise a trip for each class, allowing them to apply their learning outdoors or in a real-life context.

As you know, the cost of everything has shot up recently.  This is affecting us most in the cost of hiring buses.  We will subsidise all trips as always, but as the cost of transport continues to shoot up quickly, we may be forced to ask for more parental contribution towards these excursions.

In order to keep this to a minimum, we are aiming to organise a school fundraiser before the Easter holidays.  All money raised will be put towards trips made this year, keeping the cost per child as low as we can.  More details coming soon!

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