Category Archives: Room 7

Health and Wellbeing

We have been sharing our thoughts in Health and Wellbeing and reading A Bag of Worries.  We know the importance of sharing our worries with friends and trusted adults. We have been reading James and the Giant Peach and thinking further about feelings and The Rights of the Child. We have been exploring the feeling of jealousy through the story of Joseph and his Amazing Dreamcoat. In Room 7 we take part in Talk/Talk, discussing bullying and what we should do if we are or witness someone else being bullied. We can discuss each of the SHANARRI indicators and how we see them in action in our school. We like to stay healthy in Room 7 and have taken a walk to the park and take part in circuits during weekly P.E. sessions. In  YDance we enjoy working on creating sentences through dance. 


In Room 7 we have been learning new common words and practising using our phonemes on magnetic boards to say, make, break, blend, read and write  words. We are getting very good at working with a partner when using our magnetic boards and can test each other. We love to read in Room 7 and can read to our teacher, our partner or on our own to improve our fluency. We have been leaning about James and the Giant Peach as part of our topic and that has given us some great ideas for storywriting. We have also been practicing writing sets of instructions. We will be continuing to add more detail to our stories and working on proof reading our work. 


In Maths, this term, we have been learning about Place Value. We can recognise and use hundreds, tens and units and understand the importance of using zero in any given column. We can explain the link between a digit, it’s place and it’s value. We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We realise the difference between 2D and 3D shapes and can discuss their properties. We have been using the strategy ‘partitioning’ in Number Talks to help us improve our mental maths skills. We like discussing number talks as a whole class. We have been using Sumdog to help us improve our skills in maths. We love practicing Sumdog at home and showing off what we have learned in class. Next term we will be learning more about Addition and Subtraction and fractions, decimals and percentages.