Category Archives: charity news

Pancake Day

The SU group made and sold over 100 crepes today during lunch. We made £60 for our chosen local charity: HOPE for Autism. Janice McKay (our visitor from the HOPE for Autism) also came along to support the event.

Well done and thank you to everyone involved!

Winning Charities

Thanks to pupils much for all nominations and Votes for our supported Charities this year.

The votes have been counted and it gives the charity committee great pleasure in announcing the results:

Hope for Autism, Cancer Research UK and UNICEF
(information on each is given in attachment)

These winning 3 charities will have the money collected during various charity events through out the year divided amongst them.
There will of course be other stand alone events for other notable and worthy charities as well i.e. Children in Need, Comic Relief etc.

Charity Committee



Red Nose Day Total

Red Nose Day 2017

Our grand total raised was £496. Thank you to everyone who took part, especially the 4 senior pupils who gave up lots of their own time selling merchandise – Scott Brand, William McEwan, Matthew Paul and Lindsay Rideout. Veronica Sweeney (covering Catering Manager from the school canteen) also made all of the cakes for us and Liz Brannan was our chief cake decorator!