This year Airdrie Academy honoured LGBT History month by celebrating Purple Friday. Purple Friday is a day to stand against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and show support for LGBTI equality.
It was important for Airdrie Academy to take part in Purple Friday to raise the profile of LGBT awareness and inclusion in our school. As a school community we wanted to stand up – together- to show that; friends, families, colleagues, neighbours, pupils and anyone we know directly or indirectly in the LGBT community matter to us. We wanted to teach our pupils that you don’t have to be LGBT to stand for equality and to show them that a collective voice can make a difference. We wanted to give strength to those in our own school who may be finding difficulty in dealing with their own sexuality and identity and let them know that Airdrie Academy is a safe, inclusive and open place for all.
Our Pride Not Prejudice (PNP) Pupil Equality group organised a number of events to raise awareness. Pupils pledged to be an ally for those who face discrimination due to their orientation or gender. Some of the group presented and explained the importance of Purple Friday during assemblies and spoke of the need for more understanding and equality in our society.
On the week leading up to Purple Friday the PNP Group encouraged Pupils and staff to sign our Pride Flag to show support. The group also sold rainbow wristbands, badges and rainbow doughnuts to pupils at break and lunchtimes. On Friday Pupils made a donation of £1 to dress down and wear something either purple or rainbow coloured. The school raised a total of £866 which will be donated to LGBT Youth Scotland Charity.

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