LGBT+ History Month takes place in February each year.
LGBT+ History Month is all about promoting fairness, equality and diversity and raising awareness of LGBT+ people and culture, now and in the past. It aims to give voice to LGBT+ experiences, celebrate achievements and highlight the challenges people still face today. It is also about helping everyone to learn more about LGBT+ culture and history.
Purple Friday is on Friday 23rd February. It will be a pay £1 non-uniform day where pupils and staff are encouraged to wear purple and/or rainbow to celebrate.
You may see posters around the school or on the screens in the social area. It would be helpful if article 2 links in with your lessons to mention it pupils.
December’s article is Article 19 (protection from violence, abuse and neglect)
During the month of December pupils will be learning about consent, gender-based violence and prejudice-based bullying.
In PSHE lessons pupils will be learning about HBT (Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic) bullying. PC Wandrum will be speaking to classes about hate based violence and misogyny. This will tie in with the 16 Days of Action Against Gender Based Violence which is an international campaign that runs from November 25th (the United Nations Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to December 10th (Human Rights Day) and encourages action and awareness against all forms of violence against women and girls. You can read more about this here: What is gender-based violence? | EIGE (
Our Rights Ambassadors are currently designing signs for your classroom to display the right of the month.
In September 2023 our S6 students went to the war graves in Belgium to pay their respects. We had a service of Remembrance in St George’s Memorial church in Ypres, including and students visited sites associated with WW1. We paid our respects at the graves of former pupils of Airdrie Academy, went to Passchendaele museum and the trenches at Hill 62. Our students also had the privilege of participating in the Menin Gate ceremony, laying wreathes on behalf of the school, Girls’ Brigade and Airdrie Football Club.
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