Memorial Plaque

As you may know, every September we take senior students to Belgium. This trip has been running since 2006 and has become such an important part of school life, especially for S6 students. Over the years we have done research into the former pupils of Airdrie Academy who are remembered in the Ypres/Passchendaele area and have visited the resting places of all of these men. We have shared this research with the local community and churches and have been honoured to hear back from relatives who appreciate that we, on behalf of Airdrie Academy, still pays our respects.

Last year we visited St George’s Memorial Church in Ypres, built to commemorate over 500,000 British and Commonwealth troops, who had died in the three battles fought for the Ypres Salient, during World War I and discussed the possibility of having a plaque dedicated to the former pupils of our school. Thanks to the Parish Council of St George’s Memorial Church for permission and to our own Parent Council who very kindly agreed to provide funding for the plaque, this has now been installed in the church. We always appreciate the Parent Council support for our trips, but this in particular has a special meaning for us.

Rev Robbie Hamilton is currently in Belgium with his own congregation and has sent us the photos attached. I hope you agree that this is a lovely tribute to our former pupils and will provide a permanent place for Airdrie Academy to remember those who gave their lives in WW1.

This September when we visit, we will have a special service in the church to dedicate the plaque.

L Baird