Record in here what you found out about the Massai Warriors?
Also record how did it make you feel watching the performance and why?
Please record in here what your targets will be this school year. Reply to this post and do not start a new post. You could lay it out as below and sign your name below.
Literacy – I will read back my work to see if it makes sense and aim to improve my spelling.
Numeracy – I will learn all my tables including my 12 times table.
H&WB – I will try to be a good role model for the other pupils and will take on roles of responsibility when I have a chance.
Mr Finnon.
Hi, put your connectives homework in here. The sentences you wrote on Tuesday should be made better by adding connectives such as because, meanwhile, although, however, moreover.
You could pick others too. Maybe even add in a WOW word too.
Good Luck!
Today we had our visit from the Fire Service. Can you record in here what interesting stuff you heard. A minimum of three things please.
Watch the clip in class then make a comment on what you saw, heard and witnessed. Think about how you would have felt had you been there.
Hi, Watch this clip and make a comment about what you watched or heard which was interesting. Remember to use the comments button.
Whatever you choose to read put your comments here. Say what it is you read, who the author was and a brief few lines on what it was about.
Reply here to reflect on your week in school. Remember to include your thoughts and feelings.
If you have written a reflection for all three areas in the PFFA and handed it in you DO NOT need to do this task. Unless you want to.
Hi, below you will find a link which shows a clip from Newsround. Watch this then post a comment in reply stating what you think on the stories reported. What was your favourite? and why?