All posts by Miss Hurst

Head Teacher

A Very Successful Open Evening

Last night, parents, pupils and staff enjoyed a very successful open evening.  Pupils were able to share learning with parents and show them round their classroom and school. Parents could meet staff and celebrate the many successes of their children in school so far in the year.  Everyone enjoyed the night.  Thank you for the great attendance.

Making Rocket Explosions in Room 5!

Room 5 have been exploring Space throughout term 1.

We really wanted to learn about rockets and how they took off. We decided to do a science experiment with alka seltzer, plastic film containers and some water.The rockets worked  very very well and flew like a real spaceship!

We have written instructions for whoever would like to try it out!

By Elle, Max and Ben.

Science Investigations in Room 5

Room 5 carried out a science investigation into what might affect the size of a crater when a meteorite hits a planet.  They investigated a number of variables including the size, shape and weight of the meteorite and the surface landing.  They presented their results to the class and found that:

– the heavier the meteorite, the bigger the crater produced

– the bigger the meteorite, the bigger the crater produced.

– the flattest shapes made the biggest craters and

– the softer the landing surface, the bigger the crater.

They are looking forward to carrying out their next investigation!

Road Safety Community Action!

Today in response to Chloe’s letter sent to our local MP’s a site visit was arranged to discuss the road leading to Strathclyde Park. Pupils in Room 12 felt the road was dangerous due to a lack of pavement after the cemetery, during their recent visit to the park and wanted to do something to help.


Miss Law, Chloe, Gemma, Jack and Evan met with local councillors, Marina Lyle & Harry Curran and also Matt Costello – Local Regeneration Manager from North Lanarkshire Council to see what could be done about the situation.

Hopefully there will be news about extending the existing pavement soon.


Lots of Learning with Room 6!

Room 6 have been learning all about the 1970’s and 1980’s.

We learned that some of the toys we play with today have been around since the 1970’s

We walked around the school and found that we can collect information in lots of different ways.  We did this ay home too as part of our homework.

We also had a food tasting of different foods from the 1970’s.  We tried quiche and Angel Delight. We liked Angel Delight the best.


We have been playing Maths games using dice to help us with addition and subtraction.