Tag Archives: Room 12

Room 12 News

We have had a busy week in class and are enjoying using our new Smart board.

Active Maths

Here we are learning about recognising and totalling money.

Interdisciplinary Topic

This week as part of our Minibeast topic  we have been learning about a snail.

Fact of the week-  Land snails have lots of small teeth!

We are looking forward to going with the pupils from Room 13 to the Sports Development Festival this term.

Room 12 Visit to Strathclyde Park

Today we had an excellent time at Strathclyde Park.  This visit was arranged to enhance our learning of Interdisciplinary topic ‘My Local Area’.  Kaiden learned about the different trees. Tommy learned about the history Bothwellhaugh.  Kaleigh learned about the animals and birds.  Skye learned that the Roman Bridge was not built by the Romans.

We all had a terrific time!