P5 Trip – Tall Ship and Transport Museum

On Tuesday 14th June, Primary 5 went on their  school trip to the Tall Ship and the Transport Museum in Glasgow.  We have been learning about the Titanic in class and took part in a workshop examining artefacts from the wreck.  We had a fantastic day!

Robyn – I explored the Riverside Museum.  I especially liked the upstairs and finding out lots of information using the touch screens.

Brandon – I enjoyed everything about the Tall Ship, especially the cabins.

Kayla – I liked going into the captains bridge and looking at the maps.

Stuart and Robbie – We liked doing the challenges and quiz as it helped us to see around the whole place.  It was really fun and enjoyable.

Heather H – I liked role playing the captain and the crew.  I enjoyed steering the ship and scrubbing the deck!

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Lepra Presentation

Louise Arthur, Community Fundraiser from the Charity Lepra attended our assembly today to announce the total raised from our recent sponsored exercise and present the school with a framed certificate.  The children within the school and nursery raised an amazing £1528.62!  Thank you so much to everyone who contributed.

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Core Education Funding

Recently we have been successful in receiving £3000 from Education Scotland to develop outdoor PE facilities within our school.  The children within the School Improvement Committee have been actively involved in selecting appropriate equipment to develop a wide range of PE skills.  This equipment was installed on 28th January and the children are looking forward to using this within their weekly PE sessions.

Children’s Views

What we did

  • Looked at Scotplay’s website and catalogue
  • Considered the equipment we already had
  • Looked at equipment from PE point of view – how we could use this
  • Met with Mrs Tomney and decided what equipment we would purchase

The benefits of the new equipment

  • It will make PE more fun
  • We can use it for outdoor learning activities
  • We can now do our PE lessons outside

Over the coming months each class will be using this equipment and our senior pupils will be developing challenge cards for other pupils to use.

The pictures below are of the installation process.  We will hopefully get the opportunity to use this equipment when the frost and snow disappears!

Christmas Jumper Day!

On Friday 12th December the children from the school and nursery helped raise money for the charities, Save the Children and the Ebola Disaster fund by wearing Christmas jumpers and bobbles to school.  We raised £180.  Thank you to all who contributed.

Jinglebell Jukebox Pictures

On Thursday 11th December  the children in Primaries 1 to 7 performed two excellent performances of their Christmas concerts to parents and visitors. Primaries 2 to 7 performed in the musical ‘Jingle Bell Jukebox’, singing many old time Christmas favourites such as ‘Let it Snow’, ‘Frosty the Snowman’ and ‘ Jinglebell Rock’. Primary 1 gave a spectacular performance of the nativity ‘What a Star’.   The children enjoyed singing and performing in front of two sell out audiences and it has put everyone in the Christmas spirit!  Well done everyone!

Children In Need 2014

We raised money for Children in Need by coming to school dressed as a ‘Hero’.  Pudsey came to visit our school.  Have a look at our pictures!

Eco Fortnight

Over the past two weeks our school have been having a whole school Eco Focus.  Classes have been involved in a wide range of Eco activities including improving school grounds, recycling, litter picking, planting and a whole lot more! Throughout this time we also welcomed parents and visitors to our classrooms to become involved in the children’s learning.  Thank you to all who attended.  To finish off our Eco fortnight we held a whole school assembly for parents on Friday 7th November to give classes the opportunity to share what they had been learning with the rest of the school.  Have a look at our Eco photo gallery below!

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