Tag Archives: Third

Using Easi Speak Microphones


As part of our S2 ICT course pupils were asked to create an animation of an Olympics game.  After working in groups to produce the animation they would be encouraged to record their own voice over to personalise their animation as pupils would work on their own to edit the animation.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

Using the easi speak microphones pupils recorded their voice over in a quiet  room and were then able to add it to their animation.  Working in a quiet room with the microphones allowed a variety of pupils to enhance and personalise their animation.  Some of the pupils managed to upload their animation to Glow for othe pupils to see and comment on.

Impact / conclusion

Some of the pupils were enthusiastic about recording their voice over and others needed some encouragement!  Pupils who did this were delighted with their final product even though they hated listening to their own voice.  We have now bought some easi speak microphones for use in next year’s S2 course!

Yes, the voice over script was that long!

Using I Can Animate With S2 Pupils


Our S2 course was a ‘dip your toe in the water’ CfE course.  Pupils had no formal ICT teaching in S1 so we were able to try out lots of different tasks using the Olympics theme.  I knew that I could borrow equipment from the Computer Centre to use for some of the tasks as we didn’t have suitable hardware and software to create an animation of an Olympics game.  We worked with some of the Art staff to use their expertise for making backgrounds and models for our animations, what a difference this made!

How ICT supported learning and teaching

Using laptops with I Can Animate software allowed pupils to work collaboratively as part of a team to plan and produce their animation.  Pupils then worked individually on their animation using iMovie to edit and add audio and titles  to it.  Some of the pupils managed to upload their animation to Glow for othe pupils to see and comment on.

Impact / conclusion

The pupils were enthusiastic about this task, “I used to hate Thursdays but I like them now!”.  They enjoyed working with others to plan their animation and were delighted with their final product.  The classroom was always full of busy, noisy pupils organising themselves!  I added a survey to our Glow group and most of the pupils indicated that it was their favourite task and would have liked more time to work on it.  We have now bought I Can Animate and cameras for use in next year’s S2 course!

One of our S2 groups doing overtime on their animation!

Guitar Hero – Braidhurst High School


This is the first year our new S1 ICT course, Guitar Hero, has been run. The idea is that pupils work in groups for two periods a week to organise a world tour for their own band.

The course is broken down as follows

1. In groups pupils research the potential cities where they will plan their tour and work out a route round the world working out carbon emissions

2. Pupils “book” hotels, flights and venues for their concerts

3. They create publicity material including poster and tickets

4. They create a website to promote their band and tour

5. They create a promotional game based on their tour using scratch

6. They make a presenatation to an X Factor style judging panel who decide on an eventual winner.

It has been really useful having a play station with guitar hero as we have been able to use it as a reward and incentive for hard working groups.

Pupil Feedback

Here are some examples of pupil feedback from the course although we are only halfway through it at the moment

  • Brilliant as you have to use your imagination.
  • Fun because you do your own research on the internet.
  • Really good that you get the reward of playing guitar hero.
  • Good as you get to design posters on the internet.
  • You get to play guitar hero.
  • I think the course is good because you get to plan venues and hotels and it’s so realistic.
  • I like it because it is fun and I get to work with my friends.
  • I like it because we get to work with your friends.
  • I like this because you get to play guitar hero and you learn about a tour and currency.
  • I think the course is good because there are loads to do and it is fun.
  • I think the course was good because I enjoyed finding things out about countries.
  • I think Guitar Hero course was very good because we got to make posters and more in our groups. I would definitely do it again.
  • I liked the course because I liked making the glogster posters and I liked working out how much the hotels cost.
  • The course we were doing is very fun and enjoyable and very hard working. Its good for team work and friendship. I would definitely do it again.
  • I liked it because we got to do different things each week and cooperate with other people.

Flip Camera – Kilsyth Academy

Pupils were set the task of investigating how certain products are manufactured, thinking about the raw materials used and the processes involved. Instead of making a presentation and poster, the cameras were used to allow pupils to make a short film about their investigation.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

The cameras supported active learning through role playing in various ways Ð as scientists working in industry, as farmers explaining their methods, as news reporters and as members of a production team.
By filming instead of presenting pupils had less inhibitions about performing and the overall quality of their presentations was improved.
Pupils had to plan carefully their film and consider whether they had covered the intended learning outcomes that were to be explained to their audience. The cameras helped that as pupils could review and assess what they had completed.
Pupils also increased their ICT skills.

Impact / conclusion

A good level of pupil participation was noted, and most pupils really enjoyed producing this type of work. The main advantages of the cameras are in good self and peer assessment, and helping pupils improve their presentation skills.
The activity was carried out at the end of term for S2 when more time was available. To use the cameras pupils needed to learn how to use new software, and in downloading and editing films had a few teething problems. Overall the activity took longer than first anticipated.
I would certainly use the cameras again but encourage pupils to shoot film requiring minimal editing.

Easi-speak microphones – Dalziel High


Spanish – Pupils were working on the unit ÔLeisure and Healthy LivingÕ and had been learning how to discuss activities to promote healthy mind/healthy body.

Whole school – We were asked to create an interdisciplinary quiz for the entire S2 cohort. This quiz was to be made on Powerpoint and to last around 3 hrs.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

Spanish – We employed the co-operative learning technique of ‘round table’ and each pupil was given a role. This was expanded and became the technique ‘pass and add’. The groups were reliant on each other to complete the task and all groups were mixed ability. The microphones allowed for recap and amending information prior to a final submission for each team. There was a winning group who in their evaluation did not actually realize just how much Spanish they had actually been using and were really impressed ans was the class teacher and the PT.

Whole school – ICT was critical to the S2 quiz and instantly made the information visible and thus more reader friendly. The microphones, although not used by the pupils themselves, were used as an invaluable teacher tool for a quick way to record round by round instructions which could then be inserted into the Powerpoint as freestanding mp3 files.

Impact / conclusion

Many pupils commented that having both verbal and written instructions had helped them to clarify tasks within their groups. Furthermore, our HID specialists praised the use of audio as well as visual and learning support mentioned that the kinaesthetic learners amongst the cohort would have benefited enormously.