Tag Archives: Second

Nintendo DS at Cathedral Primary School

Our P7 pupils took great delight in being able to borrow the Nintendo DS consoles again.  They all responded positively to them and all felt that their mental agility had improved as a result.  They all felt that they could add and multiply much quicker as a result of using them.

‘Our favourite game was Low and High.  We liked that it timed us – it made us work faster.’

‘We really like the Times Table game.  It really helped us with our times tables.’

‘This is our favourite type of active maths!’

These boys said ‘We really liked using the nintendos, they helped with our mental calculations.’

I Can Animate @ Cathedral Primary School

Tweedledum & Tweedledee

I can create, capture and manipulate sounds, text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways.
TCH 1-04b / TCH 2-04b

This year I’m responsible for delivering French and ICT as a McCrone subject throughout the school. I borrowed the I Can Animate kit last term, and used it to create animations with classes at the P4 and P5 stages.
Our School Show was Alice in Wonderland, so children were asked to animate a scene from the story.

Children were asked to:

– work together as a group
– decide on a scene to animate
– create a backdrop for their scene
– make plasticine models of their characters
– explore and experiment with I Can Animate software to create a short clip
Children had great fun creating their movies, and found the software very easy to use.

Nintendo DS at Greengairs

posted on Behalf of Mrs Scott.
The DS were used with pupils during the final term to develop mental mathematics skills in a variety of context.
Pupils used the DS Nintendo daily for 20 minutes and chose the activities which they felt would help develop their mathematics skills. It gave the pupils’ choice and increased their motivation.
Pupils were keen to improve their brain age and to try and beat the teacher as I also took part in the project.
One of the pupils who receives learning support was pleased when he received a stamp and this motivated him.
DS Nintendo Pupil Comments.
I liked the interactive way that the Nintendo taught us. It was amazing how we could learn and play at the same time. It was
just fantastic. Samantha
When I was playing the DS Nintendo I liked to get good scores. I t was fun to play the different games. I liked Head count. It was hard but I enjoyed the challenge. Jamie
I liked playing the DS Nintendo because every time that you worked hard your brain age improved. David
I really enjoyed using the Ds Nintendo. I think that it helped me become quicker at answering times tables, adding, taking away and dividing. I think that it really improved these skills. Ben
I enjoyed using the Ds because it was great fun and as you were playing games you were learning. Daniel
I enjoyed the Brain training as I like doing maths. It was very puzzling and I like solving the problems. It has improved my brain. Chloe

Animation After School Club – Cumbernauld Primary School


Posted on behalf of Helen Westell


The animation after school club ran from January to April in two 5-week blocks.  15 children attended each block to learn how to use animation software and film techniques.  The first week the children looked at various animations using the Glow site and previous animations done in the school.  They split into groups and worked on creating a storyboard and ideas for their animation.  Week 2 the children designed props, backgrounds and plastiecne models.  Week 3, 4 and 5 the children filmed their animations using I Can Animate software and editing the films using imovie, following instruction videos on Glow from the computer centre.  Each child was presented with a disc of their film and these were uploaded to the school website for all to see.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

ICT supported teaching and learning and was used as a tool for language and literacy projects during the after school club. Reading, writing of storyboards and talking and listening in group work and editing animations.

Children worked co-operatively in groups using social skills and peer coached and mentored each other.

Impact / conclusion

The children are confident and successful in using animation software and setting up the webcams.  The animation club children will be used as peer coaches and mentors to use the software and hardware in other classes for interdisciplinary work.

Animation have been uploaded to the NLC  Glow site  ICT for Pupils – Animation

Brilliant Brains on the DSi’s at Thornlie

Our Primary 7/6 had the opportunity to have the use of 10 DSi’s with Braintraining from the Loan Service.

To start with we numbered them and allocated  them one between two children. After taking a base ‘Brain Age’ the children were given the opportunity to use them on a daily basis at specific time to play the Brain Training Games. Every Wednesday each child recorded an updated Brain Age. These were recorded on a wall chart  and progress was tracked.

At the end of our time using them the child who had improved their brain age the most won a small prize and got  a ‘Best Brain” certificate.

At other times of the day the children were allowed to use the DSi’s to create animations, use the photo facility and ‘chat’ to friends.

The children found the DSi’s to be very motivational. They were amazed that their teacher encouraged them to play on the DSi.

Here are some of the comments from the children in the class.

The DSi’s are so much fun. The stuff in it is challenging and really makes you think hard and fast.

The thing I liked best about having the DSi’s is that you think your playing but your really learning.

I liked it best when you got your new Brain Age and you could see how you were getting better.

The thing I enjoyed the most was the maths tasks. They were quite tricky but you can amaze yourself at how well you do.

It’s sad that the DSi’s have to go back. Maths’s time hast been the best since we’ve had them.

iPod touch- Sacred Heart Primary

Angela Harley writes:

In Sacred Heart we set for Maths. I used the i pod touched with the children in my group. I have a group of very bright P.7 children and a group of children from P4- P.6 who can be challenging to hold their attention.

With the P.7 children they took ten minute slots each on the maths games pre loaded on the i-pods, daily. The aim was to challenge their mental maths skill and for them to beat their own scores and times. The children had a great deal of fun and it encouraged independent working. The children kept their own records of scores and made sure the allocated times was shared among the group.

With my other group they also used the pre-loaded games but at a less challenging level. My aim was to use the i-pods to encourage the children to work smarter and maintain their focus on their work. Each day the children had to be at a certain point in their work before they got their slot on the i-pods. This worked well and the children aimed to complete tasks to get their go, This group of children were not fully aware that the games I asked them to go on were in fact improving their mental maths skills.

In my own class I also used the i-pods as an incentive to promote positive behaviour. The children opted to use the i-pod touches for their Golden Time. The condition was that they had to have their full Golden Time by the end of the week. This seemed to work well especially with boys who display negative behaviours in the class. If they did lose Golden Time then they worked greatly on the positive side to earn it back. On this occasion I let the children use any of the pre-loaded games and some connected to the internet.