iPod Touch – Victoria Primary School

We borrowed 20 Ipod touches to assist in the teaching and learning of all curricular areas. We also shared these with our P5 and P7 classes who were timetabled to use the ipods for 2 hours per week each. The remainder of the time was dedicated to P6.
How ICT supported learning and teaching
Maths – Used in conjunction with active maths sessions to reinforce more formalised maths lessons. Children especially enjoyed the apps on multiplication and were engaged longer than more conventional teaching tasks such as board games, textbooks or even laptops.
Language- Children used Safari to research Victorian Laws such as the mines and factory acts. From here they constructed posters to advertise the advent of these new laws and the impact that they would have on Victorian living. Children also researched crime and punishment and devised ‘apprenhension’ sheets of criminals from pictures and real life Victorian stories from the web.
Interdisciplinary learning – Children used the ipods to research Victorian transport and shops. From here we developed a Victorian Street in which we placed means of transport. The children also independently research a whole range of Victorian facts, which were then presented onto a fact card that they shared with other children in the class.
Impact / conclusion
The ipods proved to be a very value teaching tool and all children were very confident in using the ipods to conduct individual research on our Victorians topic. The fact that these could be instantly turned on and children had access to their own piece of hardware made organizing lessons much easier and increased the amount of time that they were learning.
I would thoroughly recommend the integration of ipods into classroom as children were immediately engaged on tasks and enthused about the prospect of using them to further their learning.
Similar views were held by the teachers from P5 and P7 who felt they were an excellent teaching tool.

Colin Thomson

Flip Video Cameras – Saint Patrick’s Coatbridge

Working with a group of children from p.5-7 on id topic the very important bear as part of the school’s senior area theme, “film, theartre and media studies”. Children had to: decide on group name for film company, create a character, plan and script a short movie for their bear to star in, record their movie and edit adding music and sound effects.
How Ict Supported Learning and Teaching
Children were motivated and worked together to solve problems. The children developed new skills as they used various technological equipment to create movies. they have now been able to transfer the new skills to different activities and demonstrate for others.
Impact / Conclusion
The one problem I found with the flip cameras was that the recordings could be played on all computers within the school but we could only use the images and create movies on one computer. It was suggested to me that the computers have been updated and that the flips could be an older version. I am not very sure if this is the case but it certainly caused a problem for me especially since I had to ensure that all groups completed their movie in time for oscar night.
Flip cameras are fantastic, easy to use and help bring out side experiences into the class.

Kate Campbell

Nintendo DSI- Overtown Primary

P5 Overtown Primary Five, Six and Seven used the DSi to beat their recorded time on Brain training.  The DSi encouraged and motivated the children as well as sharpen their mental maths agility. They loved the challenge of beating their own score and that of others in the class.  The children did get frustrated when the DSi didn’t recognise their figures but they enjoyed the novelty of using it in school.  The DSi is a useful maths resource and a great incentive for the children to complete work too.

p7 Overtown

Nintendo Wii – St. Patrick’s Kilsyth

We borrowed a Nintendo Wii from the lending Library.  It was used by classes as a reward during Golden Time.  The children wanted to make sure they didn’t lose any time so they got their time slot to play.  It was a great incentive.  

Whilst doing some co-operative learning tasks the primary 7’s used it as one of there stations as a way of working together.

Here are some of the children’s comments. “We had fun together in our cooperative groups.” “We brought in some of our own games and looked at how we could use them for warm ups in PE.” “Golden Time was great fun.”

Web Cameras – St. Patrick’s Kilsyth


We had the i can animate software in the school but were using the built in cameras in the ibooks to film.  This was working alright but I borrowed a set of web cams so we could evaluate if we should purchase cameras to use.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

  • Able to give the after school group and pupils confidence and skills to embrace new technologies.
  • Pupils have been able to work cooperatively in groups to create dialogue, action and events for a short animation. Each group was responsible for filming and editing their work.
  • Impact / conclusion
  • The loan was highly successful in allowing us to see that we could use the animation software more effectivly with the webcams.
  • We are now looking to purchase our own cameras.

Airliner – St Marys PS Coatbridge

P7 really enjoyed using the airliner slate in conjunction with the class SMARTboard.  It allowed all children to actively participate in all lessons without having to leave their seats.  They soon became accustomed to it and found it was an enjoyable way to participate in lessons.  It was especially good for children who weren’t too keen on standing up in front of the class writing on the SMARTboard.

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