Category Archives: Nintendo DS

Nintendo DSI- Overtown Primary

P5 Overtown Primary Five, Six and Seven used the DSi to beat their recorded time on Brain training.  The DSi encouraged and motivated the children as well as sharpen their mental maths agility. They loved the challenge of beating their own score and that of others in the class.  The children did get frustrated when the DSi didn’t recognise their figures but they enjoyed the novelty of using it in school.  The DSi is a useful maths resource and a great incentive for the children to complete work too.

p7 Overtown

Nintendo DS – New Monkland

Class set of Nintendo Ds were borrowed by New Monkland Primary School.

Primaries 2 – 7 were timetabled 1 week access.  The children were very so excited about having

them in their class.  The software was more suited to the upper school.  Primary 7 used them

as part of problem solving / active maths lessons.

Nintendo DS at Chapelhall

We initially borrowed a box of 9 NIntendo DS to use in our Gadgets and Gizmos Golden Time Club. When they arrived we tried out the Brain Training games and found how useful they would be during maths to promote recall of facts and to help children to revise number processes. They were timetabled during all active maths lessons throughout the school and children loved using them. They concentrated more, stayed focussed longer and were keen to use them.

Here are some of the children’s comments. “I liked the DS because you got to play brain games. ” “There were great challenges and you got to test yourself.”

Nintendo DS – Dunrobin PS


Improving children’s mental maths skills. Using DS Brain Training to give children another interesting and stimulating resource to enjoy maths.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

One group per week used DS’s as an extension to their teaching and maths tasks. Children were competing against each other, trying to beat each other’s scores and times. Motivating children to finish tasks to move on to a stimulating extension activity.

Impact/ Conclusion

Borrowing for longer periods of time would be beneficial to make sure all children get a chance to use these.

Dawn Finnigan