Category Archives: Flip Camera

Flip Cameras – Kilsyth PS


As part of the ongoing McCrone work I was doing I got the children to choose their favourite song for music & in drama the Primary 1 to 4 worked with the a couple of Robert Munsch stories and Primary 5 to 6 worked with the Agnes Owen story, ‘Being Sent For.’

How ICT supported learning and teaching

The Flip camcorders were used by the children to record their choice of favourite children’s performance of a song linked to the music work and for drama either a freeze frame or a role-play. These were then uploaded onto Glow where the children were able to view them.

Impact / conclusion

I found the whole thing went very successfully. I feel the children found using the Flip camcorders were not only a very useful thing but they found it highly fun and enjoyable. The children being able to view the videos on Glow gave them a great opportunity to view every classes work and pass comment on something they would other wise not see. It was a great way for the whole school to get an overall view of what was going on in music and drama.

Alison Burrows

Talk-time, Flip Video Camera – St. Michael’s PS


Children were learning about energy – sound and light. The children created a book and a movie about the things they had learned.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

The children all typed all pages of their energy books and this included using wordart as well as basic word processing skills. The children all then took parts in the filming, editing and creating of the class movie on energy.

Impact / conclusion

Children were all highly enthusiastic and very proud of what they had achieved. The parents were invited into school to view their books and to watch the movie and all commented on how much the children had enjoyed the topic and how much work they had done at home to ensure it was a success.

Nicola Fitzsimmons

Digital Microscopes, Flip Video Cameras – St. Monica’s PS


My after school club ‘Log on to Learning’, aimed to introduce the child and their parent to different ways of approaching ICT. We offered lots of supportive websites to help a parent support their child at home. Also, we looked at other innovate ways to encourage ICT skills which encouraged parent and child to work on a project together.

I have been the teacher responsible for delivering ICT since January. Whilst having this loan I have been able to integrate the items borrowed into delivering a wider spectrum of technology rather than just using the school laptops.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

  • Able to give the after school group (members of the community) and pupils confidence and skills to embrace new technologies for the future.
  • By using the digital microscope to look at and around everyday objects, help to broaden pupil’s awareness of how science is used with technology.
  • Pupils have been able to experience CforE targets such as TCH 1-04b/TCH 2-04b by working cooperatively in groups to create dialogue, action and events for a short drama episode. Each group was responsible for filming and editing their work. They also had to choose an appropriate background and music to match the style of their task.
  • A ICT development officer came in to deliver an in-service for the whole staff (classroom assistants/ sen’s/teachers) on the types of equipment available to loan and how to use it.

Impact / conclusion

  • The loan was highly successful for the ‘Log on to Learning’ after school group.
  • When the pupils realised their ‘loan’ period was over, they were disappointed.
  • The equipment will help ICT to become embedded across the curriculum.
  • I will apply to loan some of this equipment next year – the response and interest from the children in the second stage was extremely positive.

Martha McGuigan

Flip video cameras, easi-speak microphones – Dalziel HS


Spanish – Pupils were working on the unit ‘Leisure and Healthy Living’ and had been learning how to discuss activities to promote healthy mind/healthy body.

Whole school – We were asked to create an interdisciplinary quiz for the entire S2 cohort. This quiz was to be made on Powerpoint and to last around 3 hrs.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

Spanish – We employed the co-operative learning technique of ‘round table’ and each pupil was given a role. This was expanded and became the technique ‘pass and add’. The groups were reliant on each other to complete the task and all groups were mixed ability. The microphones allowed for recap and amending information prior to a final submission for each team. There was a winning group who in their evaluation did not actually realize just how much Spanish they had actually been using and were really impressed ans was the class teacher and the PT.

Whole school – ICT was critical to the S2 quiz and instantly made the information visible and thus more reader friendly. The microphones, although not used by the pupils themselves, were used as an invaluable teacher tool for a quick way to record round by round instructions which could then be inserted into the Powerpoint as freestanding mp3 files.

Impact / conclusion

Many pupils commented that having both verbal and written instructions had helped them to clarify tasks within their groups. Furthermore, our HID specialists praised the use of audio as well as visual and learning support mentioned that the kinesthetic learners amongst the cohort would have benefited enormously.

Example MP3

A Boyd, C McCormick & M Pégard

Flip Cameras – Thornlie Primary


The school knew that they would be embarking on a series of activities and open days which we would like to record for the future. We wanted to the children to be key in the videoing process and had heard that Flipcams were very ‘child friendly’ and wanted to try them out before we bought some.

How ICT supported learning and teaching

The children in P5/6 wanted to create a Georgian supra win the their class. The children recorded this to shre with the rest of the class and on the whole school open day. The pupils of p5/4 worked co-operatively to plan, resource and video a short film on the use of water. This film formed the basis for assessment for the group. The cameras were also used for the children to record the open day – getting interviews and recording the work of the children at the stalls and on the walls creating a permanent record of the day. The children’s confidence in recording has grown enormously and has given them another way to assess and record their success.

Impact / conclusion

The children enjoyed using the filp cams and showed real confidence when using them and downloading the video clips. We have therefore, bought 3 of our own which are in constant use through out the school recording children working, presenting etc.

Flip Camera – p6 Netherton Primary


Children using flip cameras to record ‘Memories of Netherton’

How ICT supported learning and teaching

Developing use of flip cameras: switching on/off
Video, using the stand
Zooming in
Developing use of i-movie: putting videos into one movie from flip camera
Editing techniques-transitions, adding music etc
Using still pictures to incorporate into personal video.

Impact / conclusion

Children loved using the flip cameras and using i-movie.
The end result was impressive for P7 children.
ICT Development officer was an excellent tutor: explained well to the children and had an excellent manner.
I feel an extra visit would have greatly benefited the children and myself and would ask if this could be arranged next session.