iPod Touch – Victoria Primary School

We borrowed 20 Ipod touches to assist in the teaching and learning of all curricular areas. We also shared these with our P5 and P7 classes who were timetabled to use the ipods for 2 hours per week each. The remainder of the time was dedicated to P6.
How ICT supported learning and teaching
Maths – Used in conjunction with active maths sessions to reinforce more formalised maths lessons. Children especially enjoyed the apps on multiplication and were engaged longer than more conventional teaching tasks such as board games, textbooks or even laptops.
Language- Children used Safari to research Victorian Laws such as the mines and factory acts. From here they constructed posters to advertise the advent of these new laws and the impact that they would have on Victorian living. Children also researched crime and punishment and devised ‘apprenhension’ sheets of criminals from pictures and real life Victorian stories from the web.
Interdisciplinary learning – Children used the ipods to research Victorian transport and shops. From here we developed a Victorian Street in which we placed means of transport. The children also independently research a whole range of Victorian facts, which were then presented onto a fact card that they shared with other children in the class.
Impact / conclusion
The ipods proved to be a very value teaching tool and all children were very confident in using the ipods to conduct individual research on our Victorians topic. The fact that these could be instantly turned on and children had access to their own piece of hardware made organizing lessons much easier and increased the amount of time that they were learning.
I would thoroughly recommend the integration of ipods into classroom as children were immediately engaged on tasks and enthused about the prospect of using them to further their learning.
Similar views were held by the teachers from P5 and P7 who felt they were an excellent teaching tool.

Colin Thomson