Category: Structures and links (web-based)

BGE – Headings, Paragraphs and Breaks

<!doctype html>
<title>Mr. Stratton's Page</title>
<h1>Mr Stratton </h1>
  • <h1> </h1> – Heading tag is used to signify a heading of type 1. The default style for this has it as the most important and therefore largest heading size with a leading and trailing line break (blank line).
  • <p></p> – Paragraph tag is used so show a paragraph of text. The default style for this has a line break appear after the text.
  • <br> – Break tag is used to insert a line break (new line).

BGE – Blank HTML Page

Open notepad++ and enter the code below.

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title> </title>

Save this as blank.html in your web folder.

  • <!doctype html> – This identifies the page as a HTML5 document.
  • <html></html> – The contents of this tag is HTML.
  • <head></head> – This is the head area of the website, the contents are not displayed on the site but can be used by the browser.
  • <meta charset=”UTF-8″> – This sets the character set of the site to unicode.
  • <title></title> – Title tag contains the text that appears as the title of the site, this is displayed at the top of the windows or on the tag.
  • <body></body> – The contents of this tag can be displayed on the browser window.

Notice that tags can contain other tags in thier contents, so for example the <head> contains <title>.

Higher – Structures and links web-based (Revision)


The structure of a website can be planned using a site map. This will show how the pages in the site link together, usually in a hierarchical structure.


The layout of individual pages can be planned using wireframes. These will show how text, graphics, links, etc will fit together on the page.


You may also consider noting formatting information, such as colours and fonts to be used.

Multi Level Structure

  • A multi-level navigation structure involves sub-levels of navigation.
  • It can be useful for keeping websites with a lot of information organised.

For example, the BBC website, allows you to choose a category, then another category within that, then another category within that, and so on.


HyperText Markup Language

HTML is a language used to define the content of a webpage, using a variety of tags.

  • An HTML page begins with the <head> element. This can include a variety of other elements which give information about the page, such as the title, meta information, location of style sheets, etc.
  • After the <head> comes the <body>. The <body> element contains the content to be displayed.

Some more advanced HTML tags you should know:

Tag Notes Example
  • Included in the <head> element of the page.
  • Defines a title in the browser toolbar
  • Displays a title for the page in search engine results
  • Provides a title for the page when it is added to favourites

ACME Corporation home page


  • Included in the <head> element of the page.
  • Provides information about the page, not visible in the browser.
  • There is no ending </meta> tag.
Example 1

<meta name=”description” content=”ACME Corporation – Unlikely contraptions for all your needs”>


Example 2

<meta name=”keywords” content=”ACME, inventions, traps, contraptions”>

  • Allows CSS (see below) styles to be defined within an HTML document
  • Included in the <head> element of the page.



  • Used to define a client-side script (see below), such as JavaScript.
  • Alternatively, can provide a link to an external script file.
Example 1

document.write(“Hello World!”)


Example 2

<script src=”js/lightbox.js”>


  • Used to create a clickable button
<button type=”button”>Click Me!</button>

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

CSS is a language used to define the look and formatting of HTML documents.

CSS can be included within an HTML document, but it is preferable to link the HTML to a separate CSS file.

Using a separate CSS to define the formatting of HTML documents can help to give a consistent look across a website, save time and create more efficient code.

The look of all pages in a site can be changed by editing only the CSS file.

CSS can be used to provide different style rules depending on the type of device being used to view the webpage.

The rules of cascading stylesheets state that:

  • embedded styles within the text over-rule all others
  • document level styles, defined in the document , over-rule external Stylesheets
  • external stylesheets only apply if they are not over-ruled by the other 2 methods
font-family:”Times New Roman”;
This CSS sets the background colour for the body of the page, the colour and style of any text within <h1> tags, and the font and size of any text within <p>.


Any HTML file which is to use this formatting would simply include a line like this in the <head> section:


<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”mystyle.css”>


Where “mystyle.css” is replaced with the name of the CSS file.

Static Webpages

A static webpage looks exactly the same every time it is accessed, the content does not change.

Dynamic Webpages

Dynamic webpages can contain different content depending on the conditions in which they are accessed, meaning that users can be presented with a page relating specifically to their needs.

Database-driven pages are the most common example of dynamic pages. If information changes in a database which the page accesses, then the content of the page will change to reflect this. For example, online shopping, banking, buying tickets, etc.

Interactive Webpages

Interactive webpages offer a more immersive experience, allowing the user’s actions to affect the content. Creating interactive pages usually involves the use of JavaScript or Flash.


Including sections of program code in your website, to help make it more dynamic or interactive, is called scripting.

Client-side scripting

  • A section of code is sent to the client computer and executed there, in the browser.
  • It is commonly used to add interactive elements to a webpage.
  • JavaScript is a language commonly used for client-side scripting.

Server-side scripting

  • A section of code is executed by the web server.
  • It is commonly used to create dynamic webpages, often connected to a database on the server.
  • Popular languages for server-side scripting include PHP, ASP, Perl and ColdFusion.


Appropriate use of compression can reduce the load times of webpages.
The webpage itself can be compressed, reducing the amount of data which has to be sent to the client computer. The browser will decompress the page before displaying it.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

SEO is the process of improving the ranking of your webpage in search engine results, in order to increase traffic.

Some SEO techniques include:

  • Making sure each page of your site has a unique, concise and descriptive title contained in the <title> tag.
  • Using the description <meta> tag to include a summary of each page.
  • Using concise URLs.
  • Submit an XML sitemap to the companies which run the search engines
  • Using brief, descriptive filenames and alt text for images

Search engines and web crawlers

  • A web crawler (aka spider) is a piece of software which follows links from web page to web page, analyses the text on each page, and indexes the pages with related keywords.
  • Search engines then use this index to find relevant pages when you carry out a search.

Optimisation of code

Load times of webpages affect traffic. By making code more efficient, file sizes, and therefore load times, can be reduced.

Some techniques include:

  • Using a single CSS file to hold all the formatting information for the site.
  • Putting all JavaScript into a single external file, to reduce fetches from the server.
  • Remove/reduce internal commentary and white space.


Web accessibility means making sure that all users can easily access and navigate your website.

Some ways in which accessibility can be improved include:

  • Using CSS media queries to identify the type of device accessing the webpage, and adjust display accordingly.
  • Using appropriate alt text for images, as these can be read by reader software.
  • Make all functionality accessible from the keyboard.
  • Make all text content easily readable and understandable.


Usability refers to how easy your website is to use.

Some ways in which usability can be improved include:

  • Making main navigation easily identifiable, with easily identifiable links.
  • Using consistent style throughout.
  • Ensuring the most important content is above the “fold” (the point where the bottom of the screen cuts off the page).
  • Including a clear path to contact details and information about the organisation.

Beta testing

Beta testers carry out testing on the final website before it goes live.
Beta testers could be anybody not involved in the development of the site, such as potential customers.
The purpose of beta testing is to identify any problems that occur in normal use.

Usability testing

Usability testing involves testing how easy the website is to use.


  • Eye tracking software and hardware allows testers to analyse the way in which a user reads the information on a webpage.
  • This can help in adjusting the layout to focus attention on the most important information.

Think aloud

  • Think aloud testing involves users describing their thought process as they try to complete a task on a website.
  • This can help in identifying design issues which may cause problems for users.


National 5 – Structures and links web based (Revision)

  • Website – a series of web pages linked together, has thousands of linked pages
  • Page – A single page written in html on the internet, normally forms a website when linked with other pages
  • URL – Uniform Resource Locator – The address of the web page
  • Hyperlinks
    • Internal – links to pages on the same site
    • External – links to a completely different website.
    • relative addressing – a link to a page from the the page you are on, so a link to weather page in the same folder would be
    • <a href=”weather.html” >weather</a>
      • Benefit – less coding, link will still work if the domain name changes
    • absolute addressing – a link to a page that includes where the page is located on a site, so a link to the weather page from any page would be
    • <a href=”” >Weather</a>
      • Benefit – easier to follow the code as it shows the whole address.
  • N52
  • Navigation – back, forward, home.
  • Web browsers – software allowing web pages to be viewed. Firefox, Chrome, IE
  • search engines – provide a list of links when a user types a search. Google, Yahoo, Bing
  • Good design to aid navigation – links clearly marked, consistent style
  • usability – Video clips, forums
  • accessibility – large text available, alt tags on pictures

Testing websites

  • Check navigation
  • Checks all hyperlinks/hotspots
  • Ensure graphics are not pixelated and display on site
  • Ensure audio/video clips run
  • Check JavaScript issues
  • Check compatibility with browsers

Higher – Responsive web design in PagePlus X8

Not everyone uses a desktop computer to view web pages. A significant proportion of the population now uses mobile devices to view websites. This means that designers have to use a website design that can respond to these devices by changing page size, position of elements, etc. Normally this would be done with CSS scripting however the process is slightly different in WebPlus.

Evolution of BBC website

bbcOver the years the BBC website has seen a number of changes. These changes were often driven by the rise of new technology.

Take for example the display you are currently viewing this post on. In 1997 the standard PC display was about 1024×768 at best and most people were using SVGA (800×600) as the 14″ CRT screens of the time were a little small. So we moved up to larger CRTs before dropping them and moving to TFTs and introducing widescreen 1920×1080 (1080p).  Laptops brought problems of their own with fiddly input devices and small screens that had large pixels counts.  Then tablets and smart phones brought in touch screens that didn’t have the pixel perfect aim of a mouse.  Faster Internet connections meant that we could start to access and stream audio, then video.

Every time there was an evolution in hardware or software, the site needed to be changed. As well as the hardware changes, society was changing as well. We wanted our information displayed and interacted with in a different way.  This means that the BBC’s site today is quite different from the site that started in 1997.

Take a look at the posts below for more information.


HTML – Images

To add a picture to a HTML page we use the <img> tag. This tag creates a holding space for the image to be included on the page. This tag does not need to be closed.

The tag uses a number of attributes but two of them are required.  SRC tells the browser the location and file name of the image file (its source). ALT is the alternative text that is displayed if the picture fails to load.

Homer at computer

So the HTML code to display the image above is

<img src=”HScomp.jpg” alt=”Homer at computer”>

This assumes that the image is in the same folder as the HTML file.

If the image is the wrong size then you can use the height and width attributes to scale the picture.

<img src=”HScomp.jpg” alt=”Homer at computer” width=200>

Would make the image 200 pixels wide while keeping the aspect ratio correct by automatically scaling the height by the correct percentage.