Tag: CSV

Python Tables

tableI was asked in class how we can create a table in Python. There are a number of ways to do this but the easiest is probably to use the .format method.

The program reads in data from a CSV file before displaying the information in a two column table. There is a lot of internal commentary you can strip out leaving just the code.

The main part of the program is line 28. Where the contents of names and scores are displayed one line at a time with padding to make them appear to be in a table.

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Higher – Python – Reading from a file

Python-logo-notext.svgA lot of people find reading from a sequential file difficult. Well lets break it down, first of all what is a sequential file? A sequential file is a text based (ASCII or UNICODE) file that is made up of both printing and non printing characters. The end of the file is signalled with EoF, often programmers put data in separate lines using a new line character. Sometimes the files are in CSV format, which means that each line holds a records worth of data.

The basic premise of any Python read file access is

  1. Open file for reading
  2. read each line
  3. close file

This post will mostly be focused on different ways of doing step 2.

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