Tag: Sequence

N45 – Scratch

Today we covered

  • Sequence
    • The order that the command are executed in the program
  • Stage
    • The part of scratch where all sprites are displayed (Screen)
  • Sprite
    • This is an object  in scratch which contains instructions (Script)
  • Script
    • An ordered list of command blocks which controls the actions of the sprite.

The class used Scratch to create a program animating a knock knock joke, please look inside the program for further help. The class made use of the Cornell Notes system to record the lesson. For homework the class have to write down the sequence of instructions used (program)

Kodu Day!

We spent the last day of the term using Kodu to make some computer games. This is a great development tool that gives you results straight away. There are a lot of built in tutorials within the game and a number of websites, that will help you to learn it as well.

However, the best way to learn to use Kodu is just to try it out and look at other people’s worlds. Remember for this YouTube could help you out.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/8-FjskAHgN0" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]