Category: National 4

Problem Solving – Software Development

As you are solving each problem you should be doing the following in your jotter before hitting the computer

Heading – Name of program

Description of problem – pick out the key things the program must do and write it as a paragraph (rewrite the problem in your own words)

  • Analysis
    • Inputs – What the user must enter to the program
    • Processes – What the program does with the inputs to create the outputs
    • Outputs  – What the program display to the user
  • Design (one of the following)
    • Pseudocode – numbered steps that the program follows
    • Structure Diagram
    • Flow Chart


Pseudocode is a design methodology that uses structured written language to show the design of the program.

Although there are no formal rules for Pseudocode, in Coltness we use the following rules.

  • Instructions should make sense
  • Instructions should use line numbers
  • Instructions can use mathematical symbols
  • Use indentation and white space where required
  • One line of Pseudocode = one line of Python code
  • Try to use only structures that exist in the language the program will be written in.



BGE – Media Type (Audio)

soundIn class today we used Audacity to explore how sound is stored inside a computer.

The sound wave energy is converted into electricity by the microphone, which is in turn converted to binary by the sound card.

We used Audacity to capture our voices then apply digital effects to them to change the sound.

You can use specialised websites and software such as , to create purely digital noises. These can then be saved and used inside other programs such as games.

N45 – Scratch

Today we covered

  • Sequence
    • The order that the command are executed in the program
  • Stage
    • The part of scratch where all sprites are displayed (Screen)
  • Sprite
    • This is an object  in scratch which contains instructions (Script)
  • Script
    • An ordered list of command blocks which controls the actions of the sprite.

The class used Scratch to create a program animating a knock knock joke, please look inside the program for further help. The class made use of the Cornell Notes system to record the lesson. For homework the class have to write down the sequence of instructions used (program)

National 5 & Higher Course Content

You have a paper copy of this in your folders but I thought you might want an electronic copy.

The document is divided into

  • Yellow (SDD)
  • Orange (SDD & ISDD)
  • Red (ISDD)

For the exam National 5 pupils could be asked question from National 4 & 5. Higher pupils can be asked about content from all three courses.

TIP: Take a highlighter and mark of areas as you study them, use traffic lights to mark areas you need to come back to.