I lifed this from the 2011 paper it’s question 13
I thought it was a very good question. I will post the solution to it tomorrow, feel free to comment with your answer but I don’t want you to copy and paste it from the Marking Instructions above.
I lifed this from the 2011 paper it’s question 13
I thought it was a very good question. I will post the solution to it tomorrow, feel free to comment with your answer but I don’t want you to copy and paste it from the Marking Instructions above.
We went back over interfaces today. After the class I had a look about for another set of powerpoints for you to use as revision. There are others out there, just search for them.
We also looked at wireless PAN devices today such as Bluetooth. Remember future development in peripherals, will still have all the issues of today. So the Interface will be required to connect devices to be machines. USB3.0 and Thunderbolt are two of the new standards that give transfer speeds of 5Gbps and 10Gbps. Some interfaces allow for daisy chaining so one port on a computer can have multiple devices connected to it without a hub (Firewire & Thunderbolt).
I want you to find the best games spec laptop for £1000.
Your submission should include
While I am here you should notice that I have added a few new links at the side. Check out Madras
Thank you to M. Feldman for allowing me to host and use this presentation.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.coltnesshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk/departments/CS_BizEdComp/Computing/NQ/Int2/Int%202%20Computer%20Systems/pres/INTERMEDIATE%202%20COMPUTING.swf" width="640" height="480" allowfullscreen="true" /]
Today’s lesson covered Digital Still and Digital Video cameras as well as Laser and inkjet printers. Here are the Peripheral Revision Notes for this section. I have copied the sections below from them.
I promised you a look at a Paintball gun acting like a inkjet printer well here we go. Remember though that inkjet printers only do a line at a time though
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/fKK933KK6Gg" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Besides the monitor, printers are probably the next most commonly used output devices. They can be broadly classified as character printers, matrix printers or page printers. Character printers and dot matrix printers are pretty much outdated and have been replaced by affordable and more capable ink jet and laser printers.
Task. Why not look up some of the words from the paragraphs above? Example what is a page printer?
During booklet four we will be looking at the following.
Well we are back with a bang.
On Tuesday we went over the 2010 paper we used for exam practice, 2011 Mock. Here is the 2011 Mock Marking Instructions. If you want to ask any question just put it in a comment.
We also started the new peripheral topic in Computer Systems and have covered Keyboards, Scanners & Sound Cards. Search the blog to look for previous articles on these devices, there is more than one. There are a number of non traditional keyboards out there. The net even has articles on how to build a 3D scanner, I would have to say though that milk scanner is a little bit messy. With sound cards we discussed the merits of digital Vs audio, we used scratch’s soundgraph project to look at sample rates.
I hope you had a restful and pleasant holiday. I decided not to post over the holidays to let you look through the articles on the site.
Anyway now is the time of new year resolutions and I saw these sites and though that it would be a great thing for some people who want to take programming forward or just learn a little more.
Codeyear is a weekly programming tutorial. Notice that I used I word programming and not software development. This is for people who want to learn to code and is less concerned with the waterfall method.
Codeyear was set up by Code Academy, this is a great way to learn how to program. It’s all about the code, there are no distracting videos just a box you type your code into. The language is Java script so you can use your new skills right away creating interactive web sites.
No homework this week folks make sure your assessment is ready of Tuesday though.
Well we had the assessment today and if you missed it, you will be sitting it next week. One of the aims of today was to give you a point of reference when I discuss exam technique in the new term.
Anyway why does this program crash? I know its not VB but the theory is the same. BTW the fix is not the way to do it 😉